Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

Rose' P.O.V

It has been about a week since Jade and Lillian joined Hogwarts. I still have my suspicons about Jade. Something seems a bit off. When ever I go to see Severus shes there so I have no time to talk to him. And also the problem is she can't seem totake her eyes off him. I think he has noticed too. When she's not with him he's always avoiding me. It has upset me a little but he can't hide forever.   I decided to try to become friends with Lillian. It didn't take much. She's really nice.

"Hey Lill can I talk to you?" 

"Yeah sure." We walked into an unused classroom and closed the door.

"What's with Jade? She's with the potions master 24/7." I didn't want to blow my cover by saying Severus. She looked hesitant to say anything. She sighed.

"I don't know. Sorry Rose." She was lying. I could tell. I just let it slide for now though.

"Ok thanks Lill. I will see you later then." With that I left and she returned to George. I thought I would do a little spying of my own on Jade. I will do so for about two weeks to see if she will take part in any funny business. I might need some help so I will go ask Claire later but right now it's time for last period. Luckily I had Potions so I made my way to his classroom early to see if I could talk to him.   I opened the door and was disappointed to see he wasn't in his room. I sat down in my seat and waited patiently for him. Minutes later the classroom door opened revealing the man I was looking for, Severus. He closed the door and stood by his desk putting his papers down.

"Severus?" He sighed.

"Yes Rose."

"Would you mind if I talked to you after lesson please? You said you would talk to me about what happened when I get back to Hogwarts." He sighed again as if I was boring but nodded all the same.

"Thank you." He just curtly nodded and the class began to fill in. Today we were learning about Amortentia. It was the love potion. We were learning how to make it. We were told to follow Professor Snape carefully as it can be fatial if made wrong. Its not like we were going to use it anyway. He told us to add 1 ashwinder egg, 7 rose thorns, pinch of dried peppermint, 1 scope of crushed moonstone powder and four petals of a Belladonna flower. He sent us off to start copying what he did. I got confused when it came to the moonstone. How where we supposed to crush it? Severus must have noticed me looking rather confused as he came up behind me and took ahold of my hands and guided me. His hands were so warm I swear he felt me relax when he touched me. He leaned into me slightly as he still had a grip around my hands. I really missed him over the holidays. It's not right not seeing the person you get used to seeing for a whole year. His presense was heart warming. I blocked out anything he was saying as I was paying too much attention the way he felt against me and his hand holding mine.   He let go shortly after but his hands lingered a little longer than they should have. I blushed at the thought of what just happened. After igonring me for a short while he actually came and helped me.   The lesson ended and I was packing my bag slowly as everyone rushed to get out of his room. The same old effect he has on the students still works I see. I giggled.

"Something amusing Miss Black?" Severus said in a mocking tone.

"Oh nothing Professor just the fact everyone still seems to run out of your classroom after one lesson." He raised a single eyebrow at me but let my mockery slide.

"What was it you wanted to discuss?" I walked up close to him and took his hand and pulled out the ruby necklace.

"One I wanted to thank you for this wonderful gift but at the same time I would like to know why you charmed it to protect me?"

  Severus' P.O.V

"One I wanted to thank you for this wonderful gift but at the same time I would like to know why you charmed it to protect me?" She was on my case already and we have only been here a day. Clearly avoiding her isnt going to do any good now. I sighed. Why is it she is so persistant?

"Rose I only charmed it because i was worried for your safety after what happened last year with the amount of times you got hurt. Im sorry to hear about your mother I really am but I didn't know that would happen when you left." She looked me in the eyes. I tried to stand firmly but I couldn't her eyes are so beautiful. Her face went from on of calm and serine to a scowl.

"Liar!" Damn I have been found out. I sighed. She began to tear up.

"Do you really want the truth?" She nodded.

"I asked Trew-" I was cut short as a student burst through the door. But not just any student, Jade.

"Professor I need to ask a favour of you." I sighed. I looked to Rose. She looked angry at the intrusion. 

"We will continue talking about this another time Miss Black but if I find you won't do my homework I will make your life a living hell." She looked at me for a minute but then caught on about what I was saying.

"Ok sorry Professor." 

Rose' P.O.V

I caught what Severus meant. I pulled away from him grabbed my bag and went to leave. As I passed Jade I swear I saw her glaring daggers at me. I just returned the look and closed the door and leant against it. I wonder what he was going to say. Bloody people don't know when to knock when a door is closed. I could hear Jade's shoes on the floor inside. I leant my ear against the wood of the door and listened in.

"Sir can I ask you for your assistance in something?"

"Speak up Miss Tallon I don't have all day." He said rather rudely. I thought to myself the same old Severus when i'm not about.

"Can you help me make Amortentia?" Amortentia? What does she want with that? 

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