Chapter 20.

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Heyy guys. So Jade and Lillian are new but they are my friends in real life. So my friend requested that I do a chapter dedicated for her. So here you are Katie and I hope you readers enjoy it too. ~Jodie :)

Chapter 20.(WOOP!!)

Lillians P.O.V

After that awkward enterance at dinner I had a student show me round Hogwarts. Its really beautiful. I usually go to bed quite late so to pass time I thought I would sit at the black lake for a while. I knelt down and sat against a tree facing the lake. I sighed and looked across the lake. It looked so still and serine. I was at peace here. I took in a deep breath and exhaled, nature always calms me. I looked up at the night sky and observed the stars. I didn't know much about them except for the fact that they are other galaxies. Truly amazing.

I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around startled but nobody was there. This scared me a little. I turned around only to be only inches away from someones face. I screamed at the top of my lungs as whoever it was made me jump out of my skin.

"STOP SCREAMING! IT HURTS!" He shouted. Wait its a guy. I stopped screaming and looked up. I gasped.

"George? Is that you?"

"You could always tell me apart from Fred. Yes it is Lillian. Its been years!" It really has. Me and George are friends that go way back. Geez it really has been too long. I noticed he was still right in my face. I blushed.

"Um George how close do you want to get to me?" He laughed and stepped away. He seemed to be in thought for a minute.

"What are you thinking?"

"What? Oh do you remember we used to do tree climbing competitions?"

"Yes I do. Is thisa challenge?" He nodded and helped me up. I always beat him at climbing trees. We nodded and George began the count down.

"3,2,1, GO!" We both sprinted and flung ourselves at the tree ahead of us. I bear hugged the tree and began to climb. God it has been years since I have done this. About a minute into climbing I was half way up the tree and George was dirrectly bellow me.

Out of nowhere a bird cawed and flew towards me. I got scared and accidently let go of the tree knocking George off too. We hit the floor but I landed on something soft with their arms wrapped around me in a protective manner. I landed in Georges arms before hitting the ground. He laughed.

"How can you be laughing? We fell from a high place and I feel on you!"

"Your light as a feather Lillian and as for falling I always wore thick layered clothes to break my fall." He smiled and we both began laughing. After what seemed like an age we stopped laughing. I was ontop of George without realising. I blushed a deep crimson. George chuckled. He leant up a little and whispered quite cutely in my ear.

"You have always been cute when you blushed." I blushed more if that was even possible. My cheeks were on fire! Out of nowhere he rolled us over so he was on me. Well this changed the situation completely. His face was inches from mine. He was slowly leaning in towards me and like I was possessed I did too. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to meet mine. Just as I began waiting I felt a pair of soft, warm lips press gently against mine. I kissed back without a second thought. Our lips felt perfect together. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands slithered around my waist. He bit my bottom lip. Oh he is one of those biters I thought playfully. I stood my ground and refused him to enter though I urned for it. I laughed as I opened my eyes to see him pouting like a little child. I just pulled him back into the kiss but this time it was a more passionate heated kiss. We both explored the new domain in each others mouths. I moaned against him as we fought for dominance. He won clearly. We pulled apart after about an hour after a make-out session. God I had jaw ache. We were both panting and slightly flustered.

"Well that was different and fun."He said smiling alot. I just nodded. He took ahold of my hands and I looked in his eyes.

"Lillian before you moved away I had always liked you and now its been years I couldn't contain myself anymore. Lillian will you please be my Girlfriend?" I have always liked him too.

"Yes." I said immediately and kissed him passionately. We pulled apart and began walking back to the castle as it was getting quite late. Im so happy and totally going to have to tell Jade about this.

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