Chapter 25

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Chapter 25.

Rose' P.O.V

  Its finally Friday.(Dont you dare sing the friday song *GLARES DAGGERS*) Me and Claire will be going shopping tomorrow and having a massive catch up day. It's going to be great! I have been spending more time with Severus and found out his birthday is sunday so it just so happens that the shopping will come in handy then. Im in double Potions at the moment sitting next to Claire working silently as I don't want Severus to be mad at me and her again. I sighed as I recalled the last time he got mad at me and her.  

Severus was walking round the classroom until he got to my desk. He looked over my shoulder to read my work but whilst doing that slipped something in my pocket. He walked off.

"Perfect as always Miss Black." Claire rolled her eyes as she knew what Severus was playing at. I smiled as he reminded me of being a school crush when you would pass notes between each other. I put my quill down and pulled out the parchment that resided in my pocket. I began to read it.

'Meet me after class Severus xoxo'  

 This made me smile. Claire looked voer my shoulder at the note before jumping back when Severus looked at her.

"Keep your eyes to yourself Miss Winters. 5 points from Griffindor." She slouched down in her chair and I couldn't help but smirk at her.

  The end of the lesson came quicker than expected as everyone sprinted out the classroom door quicker than a seaker after the snitch. (Had to drop that in for effect :)) I remained seated as Severus closed the door and locked it. I stood up and he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck.

"How's my beautiful Rose today?" I blushed.

"Very happy and now rather flustered." He laughed and kissed me. I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

"Severus. What thing's do you like?"

"What do you mean Rose?"

"Oh don't worry." He sighed.

"If you say so love." I smiled and got out of his grasp and sat at his desk in his chair. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? This chair is amazing. It smells like you." I closed my eye's and breathed in.

"Care to tell me what I smell of?"

"Of course. Your smell is unique. It's a mixture between parchment, Potions, herbs and spices." He smiled.

"Well only a potions lover would love those smells." I laughed and so did he. I got out of his seat and let him sit down. I went to go walk to my bags but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto him. I was stradling him.

"And where do you think your going?"

"I-I w-was going to g-get my b-b-bags."

"No your not." He pulled me closer to him if that were possible and kissed me passionately. I moaned against him as he roamed my mouth. I could feel his cold hands on my theighs drawing patterns gradually getting to the end of my skirt which was 3/4 up my theigh.

"Severus." I said between kisses.

"Severus, not now." He pulled away and nodded. I smirked. 

"We will save that for another day." Ke smirked evily at the thought.

"I will look forward to that day." He kissed me once more before I got off him and looked to his desk. I saw a list of thing's he needed to buy.

"Hey Severus. seen as its the end off the day do you want to go shopping for the list you have on your desk?"

"I don't see why not." He got up and walked to the door as I got my bags.

"Well I have to go back to my dorm and retrive my coat as it's getting slightly colder." He nodded.

"Meet me in the court yard and we will bet a carriage down together." I smiled and ran off down the corridor to te Gryffindor tower. I said the password and entered the dorm and ran to my room. Claire was sitting on her bed.

"And where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"Going shopping with Severus. I need to know what to get him for his birthday as its on sunday so I took this opertunity to see what he will look at." She nodded.

"You and your cunning plans. Well have fun." I laughed and ran back down the stairs and out of the dorm all the way to the courtyard. I saw Severus waiting patiently on a bench as I approached him. I stopped right infront of him panting and gasping for air.  

"Running in the corridor's were we?" I looked up and glared not saying anything as I was still catching my breath. I regained my posture and looked him in the eye.

"Ready to go?" He questioned. 

"Hell yeah." I chirped. He laughed.

"Language Miss Black." He smirked. I just merely nodded and began skipping to the carriage. I took a seat and he sat oppoiste me.

"Well someone's happy." He chimmed.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm spending time with you." I blushed after saying that. He chuckled.

"Your always cute when you blush." I blushed more. We arrived at the small village and climbed off the carriage. Severus helped me down and we began walking toward's a little ingedient's store. I definitely wond be buying him any of that. After he bought a couple of thing's out there we walked passed a book store. He looked at a brand new copy of a potions text book but walked away from it. That was a perfect gift for him. I woill buy that tomorrow. We went down an alley and headed into a errie looking store. This is probably where he gets the more advanced potions stuff.  

We walked in and he told me to wait in the lobby part of the store and so I did. I looked at th shelve's and saw a matching pair of braclets. They were both snakes with emerald eyes. Someone creeped up on me.

"They are charmed Miss. They tighten when you need the other person who is wearing the braclet. It's only 15 gallions for a pretty young girl like you." I was kind  of scared of this person but bought them both and put them in my pocket so I could hide them from Severus. He is getting two presents. I smirked to myself as Severus returned with a bag full of unknown things.  

"Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go." With that we left the store and went back to the carriages to return to Hogwart's for dinner. Tomorrow I need to buy that book and some Slytherin coloured wrapping paper and ribbon.

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