Authors note

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Hey guys. Sorry if u thought this was an update but it isn't. I have noticed that snape stories aren't all that popular on wattpad. So I am contimplating wether to delete this book or not. I am using a website at the moment called quotev. My story is more updated on that than it is here as I am more popular there than here and snape stories a more common on the website so I get more reads. If u would like me to keep the book on here just say so. If u think I should delete it then again say so. But you can always read my story on quotev. U don't need a profile to read it. It's called the exact same as it is on here 'Severus snape love fan fiction'. I. Sorry if this disappoints you. But please tell me whether u think I should keep it or not. ~Jodie xoxo

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