chapter 9

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Chapter 9.
Rose's P.O.V

I had a rather large urge to just not go to dinner but Claire dragged me. I was pulled to the right side of the Gryffindor table. I sat down not wanting to touch my food. Dumbledore didn't have anything to say so the feast started instantly. People were eating and talking happily but I didnt do either. I didn't want to eat as I wasnt hungry but I was rather angry at myself for what I did to sev-Professor Snape. And I didn't want to talk as people would be able to tell in my tone of voice that something would be wrong. So I sat feeling rather angry and idiotic.

I kept feeling the urge to look up at the Professors table. I looked at Dumbledore and he returned my gaze. He had sorrow in his eyes. Does he know what happened between me and Professor Snape? He broke off the gaze and continued to eat and talk to Professor McGonagall. I slowly looked at all the teachers eating and talking, then my eyes feel upon a man dressed in black not bothering to touch his food-Severus. I must have really hurt him. He never talks to anyone anyway but not eating was different. Dumbledore noticed but didn't say anything.

"Rose! For Merlins sake what are you staring at?"
"What? Oh nothing I'm just day dreaming."
"Right so it happens to be directed at Professor Snape."
"Oh shut up Claire. I think I hurt him. And I know that sounds stupid because he's the scary over grown bat in the dungeons but you should have seen his face. I really did hurt him." I stared at him again.
"Rose don't worry he will get over it."
"No he won't, that's not the whole story." I wasn't thinking straight I just blurted that out by accident but I don't care anymore.
"Rose what are you not telling me?"
"I'll tell you later in the dorm." I was looking up at Snape again. And this time I saw him get up and begin walking out the great hall. I looked at Dumbledore quickly. He nodded at me. I got up out of seat and followed after Snape but by quite a distance.
"Rose! Where are you going?!" I didn't reply. I just continued walking. The halls were empty except for the moving portraits and myself. Before I realised what I was doing I was already stood outside sev's classroom door.

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