Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Rose' P.O.V

  Everything is back to normal now. Jade has been delt with due to the use of Amortentia on a Professor and me and Severus are back on good terms. I walked to the great hall to have dinner with Claire. She was already sat down, eating of course. I hadn't spoken to her since the day I went after Severus when he was chasing Jade. That still makes me feel sick to this day. I sat down beside Claire and filled up my plate with food.

"Hey Rose, long time no see!" She said smiling at me then giving me a hug. I hugged back.

"Yeah I know. Sorry about that. We need a catch up day. How about we go to Hogsmead at the weekend and do a little shopping?" I suggested.

"Sound's great." She said before shovelling some mashed potato into her mouth. I dug into my food aslwell. I saw Lillian walk into the hall and walk over to me.  

"Heyy Lillian, what's up?"

"I came over to apologise for the fact i couldn't tell you much information a while back, Jade made me swear secrecy not to tell anyone anything-specifically you. I'm so sorry Rose. I wanted to tell you, I really did." I got up and hugged her.

"It's all ok Lillian She got what was coming to her anyway. She's been stuck with Filtch for the rest of the year so it's all fine and dandy." She smiled at me and walked off to her table. I sat down again. I finished my food and waited for Claire to finish her's. Merlin's beard is she a slow eater. I looked up to the teacher's table specifically looking toward's Severus. He was looking at me, as always. He made a slight notion that he wanted me to walk out of the hall. He probably want's to talk to me.

"Claire, is it alright if I go? Severus want's to talk to me about something?"

"Fine but meet me in the common room then we can discuss the plans for the weekend."

"Thank's your the best!" I got up and walked out of the hall and toward's the courtyard and sat on a bench taking in the scenary of the sun setting in the sky. The faint orange glow seemed to sooth me a little as I waited patiently.

 "Gorgeous isn't it?" Said a very familiar voice right next to my ear. I jumped a little. I turned around and looked up at an amused Severus.

"Planning on giving me a heart attack Professor?" I said not wanting other's to know of our current relationship.

"No Miss Black. May I talk to you in my classroom?" He said winking slightly. I chuckled at him.

"Of course Professor." We walked beside each other on the way down to the dungeons, our hands brushing past each other's every now and then. I blushed a deep crimson every time. We heard foot steps behind us as we neared his classroom. We both turned around and looked for the other person following us. It turns out it was Jade. We both looked at each other and sprinted the rest of the way to his classroom. We opened the door as fast as we can and slammed it closed seconds later. We were both panting leaning against the door for support. Severus walked forward toward's his desk and I stayed where I was. I burst out laughing.  

"Well that was fun and unexpected to see you running in a corridor Professor." He raised an eyebrow at me knowing I was teasing him.

"Do you want to be punished Miss Black?" He said my name in a mocking tone.

"Oh Severus, have you not learnt already that all punishment's spent with you is just pure heaven to me?" I questioned. He looked slightly shocked by my retort. I laughed at him andd he walked toward's me and took my face into his hands, cradling it slightly.

"Your such a tease my dear."

"Only for you." He blushed slightly and leant down and kissed me passionately. He didn't have to ask for permission to enter my mouth as we were pasted that stage now. It seems almost like a habit now. We pulled away flustered a little.  

"Is there a reason why you wanted me out of the great hall?" I asked curiously. He nodded.

"Yes, actually there is."

"Care to elaborate." He laughed.

"That's a big word for you but yes I will. You know a while back you wanted to know why I charmed your necklace. Well it only felt right if I were to tell you now."

"Oh so now your interested in telling me. Go head." He took a hold of my hands and stroked the tops of them.

"Well I was curious about you. I felt something for you that I hadn't felt in quite a long time so I went to Trelawney to ask about you and she said she had you the lesson before hand and told me of the prophecy she told you and how you reacted. I know this doesn't sound normal for a guy but I had a little gut instinct that the prophecy was true and so felt the need to protect you. And so I charmed a birthday gift." I didn't say anything. He was interested in me way back then. That sound's hardly believable. The Severus had feeling's for an actual being.  

"Rose what's wrong? You have gone all quiet."

"What? Oh nothing just the fact that you would go see Trelawney about a mere student and actually go to the extent of protecting her. Well either way im very greatful though still upset about the loss that also came with it." He hugged me and I leant into him.

"Thank you Severus, for saving my life." He didn't say anything but kissed me lightly on the head.

"I believe its about time you returned to your dorm Rose. Dinner finished about an hour ago." I gaped. How logn had we been talking. I let go of him and looked at my watch on my left wrist. 2 HOURS! 

"Well it's true what they say about how time flys when your having fun." I joked. Severus looked down at me and slithered his hands round my waist.

"If only we could spend more time together." I sighed.

"I know." I kissed him longingly and passionately before pulling apart and walking to the door. I stopped and held the handle but turned around before pulling it open.  

"Good night Severus, I hope you have lovely dreams. Hopefully about me." I joked again. He laughed.

"Always, goodnight my love." I blew him a kiss and he caught it and pocketed it before returning the gesture. I did the same and opened the door and left to go meet up with Claire to discuss our weekend plans.

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