Chapter 4.

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heyy guys. thank you for voting and reading. please continue reading and voting. thanks ~Jodie

Chapter 4.

Snapes P.O.V

I could hear shuffling and wimpering as I made my way to the great hall. I turned down a corridor on the left and was shocked at what I saw. Four Slytherins beating a Gryffindor.  Rose. My Rose. I stood there completely shocked and didnt know how to react. I did the first thing that came to my mind, the body binding curse.

"Petrificus totalus!" All the boys froze where they were.

I sprinted to Roses side but could already see shes blacked out. I picked her up trying not to hurt her as I could see she had a few broken bones. I sprinted as fast as I could to the hospital wing.

"Poppy we have an Emergency!" I shouted whilst rushing her to the first free bed I could see.

"Severus what happened?" Poppy asked extremely concerned rushing to Roses aid.

"Four Slytherin students were beating this poor girl." I said clearly angered by the situation. Just as I finished telling Poppy the details Albus burst through the large wooden doors.

"Severus what happened?"

"she was beaten by four of my students."

"Bring them to my office and we shall discuss their punishment."

"Very well."

I strode off out the hospital wing to retrieve the four frozen boys. I dragged all their lifeless bodies towards the headmasters office and awaited Albus's arrival.

Dumbledores P.O.V

I walked into my office to already find Snape and the four Slytherin boys. Severus's body binding curse has lifted and all the boys are dead scilent due to Snape towering over them.

"Now boys why did you attack Miss Black?"

"We dont like the way she waltzes around the castle thinking she owns the place and the fact that even out head of house seems to notice shes different. so we thought we would knock some sense into her." I could tell by Severus's face that he was fuming with Mr Malfoys response. It was obvious he some what treasured the girl.

"Knock some sense into her? Mr Malfoy she has more sense than you will ever have in that miniscule brain of yours." retorted Snape.

"Enough Severus. Now boys clearly your actions were completly unacceptable and therefore will be punished till the end of next term. I will leave it in Professor Snapes hands on how you should be punished."

"Headmaster their actions were bang out of line. they should be expelled! They could have killed Ro-Miss Black!" fumed Severus. 

"Severus you know full well that they deserved to be punished but not to that extent. Now if you will all kindly leave my office I have business to attend to."

Severus and the four boys stepped out of my office. I exhaled in frustration. When will severus learn of his feelings towards Rose. I already know she likes him back but its all a matter of time.

there we go. another chapter for all you lovely readers. Please dont forget to vote and comment. love you all ~ Jodie x

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