Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23. Snape' P.O.V

I walked into my classroom to see Jade sat on my desk with her skirt 3/4 of the way up her theigh. I loved how she teases me. I feel as though this is wrong, like its the wrong person but that doesn't matter all I want is Jade at the moment. I closed the door and locked it. I walked up to her and smirked.

"Miss Tallon, what are you doing sitting on my desk so seductively?"

"You like what you see Professor?" I didn't say anything but mentally I do like what I see-alot.

"Are you trying to seduce me Jade?" She smirked evilly.

"What do you mean trying Severus, I think I already have." She climbed off my desk and walked slowly towards me, her shoes clopping every time they make contact with the floor. I was practically drooling over her. She was right in my face now. She tippy toed so she was face to face with me. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me down a little so I was bending down to her height, I slithered my arms around her waist. She smiled seductively at me.

"Its about time Severus, I have been waiting for this for quite a long time." I silenced her by smashing my lips against hers. For some reason I feel as though these weren't the lip's I wanted to be kissing but I let that feeling go by nibbling her bottom lip for enterance. She gladly let me in and gave off a moan in pleasure. This sent me crazy. I pushed her against my desk our hips touching.   It had been a couple of minutes and we haven't even pulled away for air. I heard a muffled sound of talking or muttering a spell and the door burst open. We pulled apart and Jade smirked evilly. I turned to see a girl that is familiar to me but I don't know why.

"So this is why you have been avoiding me Severus." This girl said while tears brimmed in her eyes.  

Rose' P.O.V  

"What are you talking about? Do I know you? And why did you break down a teacher's door?" I gasped, he doesn't remember me. How odd. Then something clicked-The vial Jade snuck into her pocket! I looked at her to see her smirking evilly.

"Oh merlin's beard! You didnt?" She just nodded. She used her Amortentia on Severus! For some reason something inside of me kicked in and I immediately sprung to action creating a concotion to reverse the effects. But the way it has to work is he has to drink the potion and recieve a kiss from his lover. I don't know who that is but it was worth a shot.   

The potion was done in a matter of minutes. I even surprised myself athow quick I made this potion. He must of rubbed off on me. I put the potion into a vial and walked to Severus.

"Drink this." I demmanded.

"Why should I? I don't even know what it is!" He said quite harshly.

"Just do it!" I shouted. He glared daggers at me but drank it anyway. He stood still after the vial was emptied. Jade just stood astounded at what I had done.

"You B***H!" She shouted at me. I ignored her and walked to Severus. He was still in a trance like state. I put my arms around him and pulled him down to my face and pressed my lips against his. Two girls within mear minutes- lucky man. He seemed to ease a little and regained himself. He seemed to know that I was kissing him as he kissed back too.I smiled against his lips and we parted. 

"Thank merlin your back to normal." I said really hyperly.

"What happened Rose?" "Ask that thing!" I said rudely pointing my finger at Jade. She was silently crying but Severus thought nothing of it.

"What did you do to me you fowl, evil little child!" He spat in her face.

"I-I-I wanted y-you to l-l-love me! I gave you the Amortentia that we have been working on ofr a month." She said in a mere whisper.

"You did what?! You do realise that if something went wrong with the potion it could have killed me! I will personally take you up to the head masters office and we shall discuss your punishment A.S.A.P!!" He shouted at her. He grabbed her collar of her shirt and looked to me.

"Wait here." With that he left dragging Jade behind him. I sighed happy to have Severus back to normal. I can't believe I didn't see that coming. How blind was I? I sat down on his desk trying to imitate Jade's pose for when Severus got back. I waited patiently.

  A little while later Severus entered the room looking rather red. He turned and closed the door. He looked at me and stopped in his tracks. He raised a ssingle eyebrow at me. "Hello Professor." I emphasised Profesoor.

"Trying to seduce me Miss Black?" I smirked as he still kept a single eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean trying Severus? I think I already have." I said in a mocking tone as I replayed Jade's words. he laughed. I gasped, he genuinely laughed. He came up to me as I removed myself from my position and sat on the edge of the table. He was inches away from my face.

"Thank you for saving me Rose."

"I didn't want you taken away from me it came naturally to reat the way I did." He rubbed his thumb against my cheek and held his other hand against my face. I leant in to his touch.

"Oh how I have missed you Severus. Promise me to never avoid me again." He nodded and gently placed his lips against mine once more. I kissed back immediately.

"I missed you too Rose." With that I gave him a well needed hug. He smelt the same as always. I have missed him so much, I don't think I could be the same without him.

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