Chapter 1.5

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Louis' POV

Ouch my head.

I opened my eyes and right in front of me were green eyes.

"Agh." Harry murmured picking himself up rubbing his neck. "Give it." He huffed, snatching the gold necklace from Niall's palm.

"Gee I'm sorry. I fou-" Niall mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Shut up Niall you always meant everything you did since we were 14! So don't say you didn't mean it because you did okay? Because we both know you did! I don't know if it was a joke or what but just- just don't take it again!" Harry yelled and slammed the door.

"I'm sorry ..." Niall whispered. "I didn't even steal it! I found it!"

Liam walked over and pat his back."Niall, it's alright. Harry is just ... just in a bad place right now."

"I know. I know but it's my fault. I should've went straight to him when I found it, now he thinks I stole it!" Niall turned around and left.

Liam sighed and sat on his bed. "I feel sorry for him."

Sorry for who? Harry? or Niall?

"Why? What happened?"

"His mum. She-" Liam just stopped and looked at his hands.

"Actually, it's okay. You don't need to tell me anything. I'll respect your privacy." I laid on my bed and shut my eyes. When I began drifting off I heard Liam whisper I'm so sorry Anne...



"Louis! Wake up. Uhm ... some chick is here to see you?" I heard Liam's voice.

"Just a minute-" I mumbled but right when I said that I felt someone throw me to the floor. Ow fuck- What the hell-

"Oh sorry Tommo! I guess I'll come back later..."

I recognize that voice? The only person who still uses Tommo. Félicité?


"Hey little guy!"

"Félicité! I'm not fucking little." I groaned smacking my little sister's leg.

"Yes you are." Félicité grabbed me, putting me into a head lock and began rubbing my head with her knuckle.

I can hear Liam snickering while he watched. "Get. Off. Félicité." I shoved her off hard enough, making her stumble and crash into Liam, dropping them both onto his bed.

"Oh my- I'm sorry!" Félicité jumped up with her cheeks turning bright red.

"No no- I'm sorry. Uhm I'll see ya later mate." Liam rushed out of the room looking embarrassed as well.

"Louis!" She slapped my arm and covered her face.

"What? What'd I do!" I started laughing so hard my chest began aching.

"You pain in the ass!" She hit me again.

"What? Have a crush on my new roomie!" I smiled, sitting up on my bed to face her.

"Uh- oh sorry that he's hot! Jeez can't blame a girl! I just came for a quick visit but I have to head to work. I hope you're liking the new school! Welcome to California dude!" She walked out throwing a cliché surfer hand motion. What a dummy.

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