Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

Waking up the next morning, I looked over to see Lou cuddled into my side. I ran my fingers through his long fringe repeatedly. I felt him moving around so I slowly pulled away from his grasp and slip on my boxers.

Pulling the sheet over him I walked through the hall, into the kitchen and checked if we had anything that would do good for my prince. Well ... I can make eggs ... too bad I can't cook for shit though. Eggs should be easy enough, right? I took out a few eggs and turned on the stove.

It's been awhile since I've actually tried cooking. I never really do it because I suck. Though, if I practiced I would know how to cook ... but oh well. Cereal and done!

Why the hell are eggs so difficult to flip.

"Good morning." I heard Louis' soft voice call followed by a yawn.

I turned around and grinned. "Morning." He walked over toward me, looking at what I was making.

"Ah so he does cook." He joked.

"I tried. I still can't flip it without popping the yolk." I scratched the back of my neck laughing.

"No worries." Louis laughed and grabbed the spatula showing my dumbass how to flip it right.


"Thank you for the breakfast." He planted a kiss on my cheek and sat at the small table.

"Oh! We're going to Liam's new place at 5pm." I told him.

"His new place?"

"Yeah. Liam got a house about 30 minutes away. He told me yesterday before he dropped me off."

I looked at my phone and it read 2:38pm. Thank god we slept in.

"Want to go to the movies until then?" I asked him. He nodded and we got ready.


As we left the movie theater, Louis was talking about the movie.

"They did her so dirty killing her off like that." He pouted. "She was my favorite character too."

"She deserved it tho. She literally got all of them into that situation." I pointed out.

"Okay okay but besides a tiny mistake ... she was the best character."

"Hm ... I don't know. I liked the red head more. He was funny."

"You like any funny character!"

"And what about it!" I rolled my eyes and jokingly pouted. I held his door open as he laughed.

We started driving to back home when Liam texted me. My phone lit up on my dash board.

Liam: Are you bringing it?
Liam: He's gonna love it!

"Who's gonna love what?" Louis raised his brow. I turned my phone off and tried to make something up.

Fucking Liam.

"Oh you know the drink I have in the fridge?"

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