Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

For our song writing project we had to be in pairs or a group. It's just a song to write ... I don't need partners. Though it'll help me make friends I guess.

I grouped up with Lydia and Harry since everyone in his words are,"annoying as fuck." I still don't understand his nice but then mean act. Despite it, Harry isn't so bad. He's been nicer to Liam and Niall and surprisingly has been talking a lot with me.

I ended up walking back to Harry's dorm to see if he was working on our song. He told us he'd take it and add some ideas.

I knocked on the dorm door and immediately regretted it. Why am I doing this? I could've just asked in cl-

"Yeah? Oh hi Louis." He said opening the door and stepping aside to let me in.

I find it weird that he doesn't have a roommate. Must be nice to have a whole dorm to yourself.

"Louis?" Harry waved his hand in front of my face. Oh shit. I must've zoned out.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I asked if you wanted to read the song?" Harry chuckled, placing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Oh! Sure."

Title: _____
By: Harry, Louis, and Lydia

I hear them calling for you
I hear them calling for you

I feel the waves getting started
It's a rush inside I can't control
Your eyes keep pulling me in
I know, I know, I know
Your friends all talking 'bout me
They say I got no chance at all
Your fire is burning deep
In my soul, my soul, my soul

I ain't up for debating
Ain't enough for the taking
You got the world shaking

In the middle of the night when the wolves come out
Headed straight for your heart like a bullet in the dark
One by one, I gotta take them down
But you run and hide, ain't goin' down without a fight
I hear them calling for you
I hear them calling
In the middle of the night when the wolves come out
Headed straight for your heart
They come straight for your heart
I hear them calling for you
I hear them calling for you...

After I finished reading through it, I grabbed a pen.

"What's wrong with it?" Harry slightly frowned.

"I'm not changing it." I smiled and wrote on the top of the paper and handed back to him. "I'm adding a title."

"Wolves." He smiled. "I like it! It-" Suddenly, a phone ringer interrupted Harry. I pat my back pocket ... not me.

"Oh sorry. Gimme a sec." Harry stood up and walked outside.

I decided to text Lydia that we just finished the song and have a title.

Me: Hey Lydia no need for your GREAAT titles anymore :P

L: what why?? they're genius asshole!

Me: (Picture attached) Mine is better sorry

L: ooo! alright alright you win. wait where are you?? I wanna read it!

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