Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"It's final! You're a hedgehog!" I crossed my arms. We were on campus while Louis and I were still arguing on this stupid topic. I don't mind though ... it's pretty amusing seeings him take it seriously.

"A hedgehog? How did we go from mouse to hedgehog?"

"How'd we go from height to animals?" I raised my brow.

He sighed and let a small smile creep across his face. "I guess you're right. Fine."

I never really paid attention to the way Louis looked. Probably because I suck at eye contact. I couldn't help staring at his ocean blue eyes. Every time he laughed they seemed to shine. They shine when he smiles but they still scold you in a sassy way when you do him wrong, even if it's a joke. What the fuck. Why do I care? It's just the alcohol getting to my head.

"Fine what?" I walked backwards in front of him until he finally admitted it. I discovered that Louis wasn't the kind of person to let go of anything so easy. He doesn't like being defeated. During some assignment in class Lydia had chosen a title that she thought was the best and they spent an hour arguing about it. Of course his title won.

"You know what I mean."

"Nope. Say it. You're a hedgehog." It's funny that I'm really fighting for a stupid animal. I slightly don't care what we're talking about or ever care what we talk about. I seem to always have fun and forget my shitty life when I'm around him. Around Lou ... I mean Louis.

"Fine! Am I an ugly hedgehog or a cute one?" He joked.

"Obviously a cute one, dumb fuck." I smiled and lightly tapped his cheek continuously. "Just a cutie."

His cheeks turned a light shade of red and he put his head down trying to hide it.

"Why are you hiding it? It's okay to blush." I smirked. Oh god I have to stop. But I can't stop. Why am I enjoying this?

"I'm n-not hiding it!" He shouted a bit embarrassed.

"Whatever you say cutie." I smirked deeper, popping out my large dimples.

"Shut up!" His face got even redder and he began walking faster.

"Oh come on! I'll stop babe." I laughed and he turned around angrily. "But you're so cute ... I can't help it." I grinned. I can't tell if it's just the alcohol talking or if I mean it.

"You're drunk."

"Not really." I stepped closer. I placed my hand on his chin and raised his head so he'd look at me. "Scared?" I raised my brow.

"N-No. I'm not scared of you, Styles."


"Y-Yeah ..."

"Hoping something will happen?" He was against the brick wall of the dorm building. I leaned in closer and we were staring at one another. I could feel his hot breath against my face.

No answer.

"Oh." I smiled. "Good to know." I ran my hand through his hair and walked toward my dorm building. I was stopped as I felt him grab the end of my shirt. "Yes?"

"Don't do that when you're drunk."

"Should I do it when I'm not?" I have no idea why I was feeling so brave right now. Someone needs to humble me ... ASAP.

Again. No answer.

"See you later, Lou." I said before entering the building.

"Lou? Uhm I uh- yeah ... see you." He smiled and walked off.


Buzz. Buzz.

What hell?

I slightly have my eyes open reaching for my flashing phone. It's 3:46 am ... who the fuck-

Unknown Number.

I click decline and dropped  my face back into the pillow.

Buzz. Buzz.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and place my phone to my ear. "Who are you and what the fuck do you want." I groaned.

"Nice to hear from you too big guy." A familiar voice chirped through.


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