Chapter 28

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Louis's POV

I was walking down the street, picking up a few boxes so I can pack my things for Harry's as someone ran into me. I fell over and grabbed my wrist. "Ow."

"Ah— I'm so sorry." A man groaned and stood up. "You ok?" He held out his hand and helped me up.

"Besides the wrist, I'm fine." I laughed.

"I'm peachy. Sorry for running into you! I was running to my car after a bad breakfast."

"What do you mean?"

"I was on a breakfast date with this guy my friend set me up with. I didn't even want to come but I felt bad that he set us up. It was just very bad though ... and I mean jump off a cliff awful-" he saw my amused face and stopped. "I'm sorry haha! I couldn't help vent." He put his palm on his forehead and moved it in front of me. "I'm Kyle." I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Louis." I gave him a warm smile.

"Well. Nice to meet you." Kyle returned the smile. "You're still holding your wrist. You sure it's okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine! No worries. I'll survive. I'm just on my way to pick something up!"

"Well then Mr. Indestructible, w you like a ride? It's the least I could do." Kyle offered pulling out his keys. "Don't worry I'm not a serial killer."

"That's what a serial killer would say." I joked, but half serious. If it's a life or death situation I will and I mean I will punch the shit out of someone. I've got one hell of a kick, too. 10 years of soccer pays off big time.

He smiled shaking his head. "Is it weird that we're complete strangers and I'm giving you a ride?"

"It's practically uber, but free."

"I guess so!" He laughed. "Well then I've got uh half a water bottle and a stick of gum. Is that enough for five stars?" I chuckled which made him laugh, too. "Where to?"

"The nearest Office Depot will do." I hopped into his car. It was a pretty nice car. Man had some money and I mean money.

He pulled out of his spot and started driving down the familiar streets.

"So what do you do? As a job you know?"

"I'm a music producer. It's pretty boring at first but it got way better." Kyle explained all the stories that happened in his building and the singers he has met for. It interested me more because this was the job Harry applied to and well ... now has. I could see why Harry wanted the job so bad ... "But yeah that's the music industry for ya! I didn't realize how long I've been going about this." Kyle laughed as he pulled into the Office Depot lot.

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled unbuckling my seatbelt.

"I hope this isn't weird but can I get your number? Cause I like your company and all ya know! I'm not trying to be a creep or anything I swear."

"Oh uhm sure." He handed me his phone and I added my contact in. He seemed like a cool guy. Plus, I'm sure he could help Harry out. "I'll see you around." I waved goodbye when he began to drive off and walked into the store.

Hm. Boxes ... where would I be if I was a box ...

I'll just wander around until I find them.

Here they are !

I picked up a few and made my way to the register. Now that, that is done, I'll be set to pack.

I pulled out my phone and texted my green-eyed boy.

Louis: got the boxes !

I slipped my phone into my pocket as I paid and walked out when I felt it buzz.

Harry: yay! :D
Harry: need a ride back? how was your walk?

I don't really see a reason i'm telling him about the stranger ... well Kyle .. incident.

Louis: it was lovely !
Louis: i would love a ride

Harry: a ride from me or on me ...? ;)

My cheeks flushed. He can be pretty dirty. I don't mind but I've never really spoken to him in that way. I'll admit, I do get shy but you know what? I need to step up my game!

Louis: we'll see when you get here

I hit send and put my phone down. Ah this is so embarrassing. I was never one to say such things or even text them.

Harry: i'm on my way *running to car*
Harry: i'm hoping for one option more than the other
Harry: one with a better view ;))

What a goof.

I sent him my location and sat on a bench while I waited.

In no time, Harry arrived. "Get in, loser, we're going shopping! I've always wanted to say that." Harry grinned as he popped the door open.

I laughed and hopped in. "Hello." I pecked him.

"Oh. Hello there indeed." He winked. "Let's get you packed up!"

Once we arrived to campus, we raced up the stairs. "Last one there has to make dinner!" Harry yelled. We sprinted up but I lost.

"It's cause you have long legs! That's unfair!" I panted.

"Nah. You're just a sore loser." Harry stuck his tongue out and pushed open the dorm room door. Liam stood there eating a bagel. "Sup Liam." Harry greeted.

"Hello." He waved.

We started packing up all my things. I still can't believe that we're moving in together.

I'm so happy. With this. With us. With him ...

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