Chapter 3

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Louis' POV

When I woke up, Liam was still not here. It's been 2 days ... where else would he go? I don't think getting yelled at was that big of a deal.

I just tossed on a plain white tee, black jeans, and a pair of red vans. I walk to the mirror and shook my hair around. "That'll do." I smiled at my appearance and tossed on my book bag.

I looked around to see if I noticed that I had left anything. Hm I don't think-

I looked once more and spotted the sweatshirt Harry let me borrow. Maybe I could take it over quick.

I was outside my dorm and realized I had no clue where his dorm was ... smart. I'm assuming Niall knows so I rang him.

"Ugh h-hello?" Niall answered sleepily into the speaker. It's 11:40 am why isn't he awake?

"Sorry to bother you lad but I was wondering if you know Harry's dorm number?" Of course he did but I didn't want to sound like a creep.

"Why do you ask Louis?"

"Well you see... Uh... He let me borrow his shirt at the frat party-"

"Woah! You guys- I didn't know Harry was into that?"

"What? No! Some guy had spilled drinks on me and Harry was there so he let me use his sweatshirt. Just give me the dorm number you pervert."

"Fine fine. A288." Niall hung up and I was on my way.

He's in the other dorm hall ... great. This'll be fun to find.

I made my way over to the dorm, crossing through a few study groups and I accidentally dropped someone's things.

"I'm so sorry." I pick up two books and a notepad full of drawings. "Nice art." I handed the girl her items.

"Thank you!" She chirped smiling. I started making my way but she stopped me as she introduced herself. "I'm Lydia." She smiled.

"Louis." I replied.

"Wait aren't you in Mrs.Hayetta's Saturday class." Lydia question raising her left brow.

"Yeah? Are you?"

"Yes! I'll see you soon then. In class! Obviously." She giggled and walked off.

Random but alright? I could use another friend.

I got to the A200s hall and headed down it. A230. A254. A287. A288!

I knock on the dorm door but it just creaks open. Yeah that's not creepy.

I stood there seeing Harry sitting on the floor with a bottle in-hand. "I'm sorry m-mum. I didn't..." He looked up and stared.

It looked like the life was draining out of him. The dried tear stains down his cheeks and puffy red eyes broke my heart. I never liked seeing others cry.

"W-what do you want? If it's not important enough you can get out." He snarled and tossed the empty bottle to the floor.

"I-I um. I have your sweatshirt." I whispered a bit afraid.

"You what?" He stood up and walked toward me.

"Your sweatshirt." I stuck my arm out holding it.

"Oh." He took it and tossed it in a pile scattered across the room. "You want a beer?"

"No it's fine. I don't drink. Well ... I got to go-" I started walking off but he said something else.

"Thanks for the laugh the other day. I needed it."

"Yeah of course." I gave him a small smile and left the building.


"Aye oh Lewiiis and Liam!" Niall bursted through our room again ... like always. He practically makes daily visits. "Let's go eat guys! And Louis what did Harry do? Yell at you? Throw a bottle at you? Turn you into a vAMPIRE?" He said with a fake terrified voice grabbing Liam's keys.

"Shut up Niall." Liam smacked the back of Niall's neck. "Nobody is supposed to know that he's a vampire. Come on now." He joked.

"He actually thanked me." I shrugged. They both looked at me with blank faces. "What?"

"That's a first." Liam blurted.

"Oh ... so where we going?" I asked while Liam drove passed a few burger and pizza places.

"Rico's." Niall's eyes lit up with excitement.

"What's Rico's?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Oh no." Liam sighed and Niall turned around explaining Rico's to me as if it was Disneyland.

"... and that's why we go every Thursday!" He finally finished up the story on the 'best spot' in town.

"And here we are." We all hopped out of the car and were seated quickly.

"Welcome to Rico's. What would you like to start with for a drink?"

Niall answered and Liam got the same thing."A coke please. Make that two thank you."

"And you sir?"

"I'll just have a glass of water."

"Be back in a second." She smiled and was on her way.


"That ... was ... amazing." Niall sat there rubbing his stomach.

"Niall you always say that when we come." Liam chuckled and I joined in.

"Well sorry for loving their food." He pouted handing Liam the bill.

"A bit too much." Liam mumbled but Niall still heard and flung a spoon of his leftover mashed potatoes.

"You. Did. Not."

For a second I thought I'd have to break these two apart but Liam just flung a piece of chicken at the blonde. Niall was quick to react and caught it in his mouth. The speed he has when it comes to food amazes me.

"Let's go guys." Liam got his card back and we made our way back to campus.

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