Chapter 25

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[a/n:] It's the day of the masquerade ball

Louis' POV

"You bought the masks we chose, right?" I asked Harry.

"Oh no ... I forgot." Harry gasped. I looked up at him with an 'are you serious' expression, but he was already looking down at me with a smile across his lips.

"You asshole." I rolled my eyes at him but smiled as we were eating ice cream cones. I don't think I'll ever get used to the hot weather in California.

"You have chocolate in the corner of your mouth." Harry pointed out.

"I'm saving it for later!" I joked. I was about to wipe it away but was stopped as Harry leaned forward and licked it off slowly.

"Gone." He looked at my eyes hungrily.

"H-Harry." I choked a bit at his sudden action. "What if I really was saving it, huh?" I joked to change the atmosphere he created. We were outdoors ...

"I'll see you in a bit, alright? I know you have to go pick up that suit." Harry grinned, taking me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips and warmth radiated through me. "Wear your hair in that fringe you do. I like it." Harry winked before walking off.

Ah I hate him. I hate that he makes me all flustered like this ... even after dating for a year!


"God damn." Harry's jaw dropped when I opened the dorm door to let him in. I felt my cheeks warm up. The two other couples ,Niall and Adamari plus Liam and Rosana, smiled behind him. Harry walked up to me and twisted his finger in my fringe. "You look amazing," he said.

I smiled shyly and hugged him.

"Let's go you two!" Niall exclaimed.

"Shut up, bitch." Harry socked his arm.

"Ow! You-" Niall was held back by Adamari. Harry stuck his tongue out and I held onto his arm.

We drove to the address Kapa Phi Sigma emailed to the attendees. There was a bigger expectation of people who were attending so they moved the ball into an actual hall. Once we arrived, Stacey and a shorter girl approached us.

"Hey!" She ran up to us. "I ran up to another group thinking it was you guys! I'm still embarrassed. You all look so good!" She giggled.

"Can I talk to you quick, Louis?" Stacey asked me.

"I'll meet you guys inside, okay?" I told the group before we walked off. I could tell Harry was already annoyed.

"I just wanted to tell you something." She looked like she was getting red.

"Oh my. Are you sick?" I placed my hand on her forehead. "You're getting red and you forehead feels a bit warm."

"W-What no. I uhm. Never mind." Stacey ran off and left me there standing alone. Okay?

I guess I could just head in now.

Once I entered the building, I was blown away. It looked as if it was a scene in a movie. White and gold were the main colors, there were people all around with masks on, and a huge chandelier over the dance floor. There was also soft music playing and the lights had a yellow tint to them. Just wow.

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