Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

"Wait ... Gemma?"

"Yeah Harry it's me ..."

"So what is it this time? If I slept on the plane then this wouldn't have happened or oh my favorite! If I drove then I'd be dead but mum would be alive!" I felt rage building up. She has some nerve to call.

When it happened, about 3 months ago. Gem kept leaving messages about how this was all my fault or I caused accident. Anything you could think of. Which ended up fucking with my head, leading me to drink. It really halted a funeral for my mum but I finally made enough money a week ago. A beautiful funeral that my mum deserved. She has been cremated but Gemma said she scattered her back home in England by a river my mum would tell us stories about. I know we didn't need to hold a funeral but I thought it'd still be a good thing to do. Say my own proper goodbye.

"Harry. I'm so sorry but just listen-"

"I've done enough of that. I'm tired of hearing your bullshit. Don't you think I'm aware?"

"Harry please. I'm in LA right now. Can we please meet somewhere? Please." I could hear in her voice how desperate she was. I wasn't in the mood to see her.

"How did you get my number? I changed it?"

"Niall said he'd-"

"Niall?" I hung up. I'm done listening to her. For the time being ...

I went to sleep before I went to Niall's room.


I woke up and checked the time. 8:44 am. Good enough. I tossed on an outfit and made my way to his room.

"Niall open the damn door."

No answer.

I kicked the door open and nobody was there but his nerd of a roommate. I kind of felt bad for him ... I did full on kick his door open. Though ... he should be used to it by now.

"Where is he?" I impatiently asked holding the door frame.

He shrugged and went back to sleep. Hm where else? I went up to Liam's room and stepped in revealing a shirtless Louis.

"Woah!" He slightly shrieked reaching for the nearest shirt.

He had a fading scar half way across his abdomen. What in the ...

"What happened there?" I raised a brow and walked over, running my thumb along it.

He pulled his shirt down quickly. "Let's just say we both have asshole fathers." He smiled but I could tell it was forced.

"I mean I could kick his ass. Just give me the word." I was dead serious. Who the fuck would do that to a person ... to him of all people?

"No need. I haven't spoke or seen him in years. Uhm why are you here?"

"Oh! Do you know where Niall is?"

"I'm not sure but you better not punch him again."

I scoffed at his comment. "This giraffe wouldn't dare." I grinned.

"Well ... the hedgehog doesn't believe that." He smiled and poked my shoulder.

"Watch it toots." I squinted. He stepped back and jokingly held his hands up.

"What are you gonna do about it tough guy?"

"Oh you'll reg-" My phone interrupted and buzzed in my pocket.

An unknown number lit up across the screen.

"Hello?" Louis stood there quietly as I took the call.

"I know it was early but Harry it's rude to hang up on your sister like that." Gemma spoke scoldingly.

"It's rude to betray and toss them to the curb, too." I hissed back and once again hung up.

Louis raised a brow.

I sighed and replied, "My sister."

"Your sister? I thought you guys don't speak?"

"That's why I'm looking for Niall." I sighed and left.

I was making my way down the hall to my room again and saw Liam, Lydia, and Niall walking my direction laughing.

"Niall you fuck-" I was trying to control my temper but I'm just so easily irritated. Especially with this.

"What?" He was straight up confused.

"You gave Gemma my new number ..." I trailed on.

"Oh yeah. And?"

"I didn't want her to have it and you knew that."

"Well. Sorry Harry for thinking that you'd like your own sister to be in contact with you." He rolled his eyes and Liam and Lydia were standing back watching.

"That's literally the opposite of what I wanted. Next time just make sure before handing out my number to people." I wasn't in the mood for a fight right now. I had a good night yesterday and I was in a good mood.

"Alright. I'm sorry again, man." He gave me a small smile before I walked toward my dorm.

"He didn't fight?" I heard Liam try to whisper to Niall and they all chuckled. I just rolled my eyes. It's Niall always instigating but whatever. Idiots.


I was in bed with my eyes feeling heavy when my phone started buzzing. I lifted my phone up a bit to show the number. No surprise! It's Gemma. I tossed my phone toward the couch and fell back to sleep.


"What do you mean?" Louis said softly.

I watched his lips' every move. The pace they moved as they pronounce a word. The light red color of them. The way his tongue motioned in his mouth.

"I know you want to Harry. Don't be shy."  He smirked and stepped closer to me.

"What?" I was confused as hell. Is Louis trying to seduce me ...?

His lips were an inch away from mine and his breath was hot. He turned his head and I felt his lips begin trailing up my neck. Oh my fuck-

He stopped and bit my bottom lip softly before planting a kiss. What the-

"What the fuck!" I sat up, panting looking around in my pitch black room. I repeated, "What the fuck."

I fell back realizing it was just dream. Why am I dreaming about that? About him?


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