Chapter 10

221 21 3

Louis' POV

I lay on my bed wondering why Harry did what he did? Even if he was intoxicated, why did he? He must have some sort of attraction toward me right?

Buzz. Buzz.

I grabbed my phone and it showed a message from Lottie.

Hey Bro! We're all looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! Can't believe Christmas break is almost here AND YOUR BIRTHDAY AHHHHHH! :D

I smiled and turned off my phone. I can't believe it's in just 4 weeks...


Harry's POV

What did I do? I didn't mean to- well I wanted to ... I really wanted to but what if he didn't want me to. Oh god. Well he made a move too ... Ah I can't-

But I can't stop thinking about the way his lips felt against mine. His soft skin as I kissed his neck. Fuck. I've never been with a guy and never thought about any guy in that way. Maybe I was just drunk. But I do think about Louis that way ... Fuck fuck fuck. No. I'm not gay. It's probably nothing.

But the way he smiles when I tell him my horrible jokes. The crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. The way he pouts when I tease him. The way he feels just ... he feels like home.

It's just the alcohol Harry! Stop.

I popped open another bottle tossing the empty one on the floor next to the other 3.

How many did I drink? Uh three at the party? No five after that happened ... 3 here ... 8?

I shrugged and chugged down my 9th one.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I struggled taking the damn thing out of my pocket.

Liam: hey man where'd you go?
Harry: dorm
Liam: can Niall and I come over?
Harry: that's notjan a good dea right bvnow

Fuck I can't type right.

Liam: are you okay bro? Ha ha too bad. we're here already

I tried getting up but I was half way up when I collapsed.

"Fuck!" I grasped my ribs and rolled on the opposite side. "Fucking hell!"

My phone buzzed again. Really Liam.

I reached for it and saw.

Lydia: do you know what's wrong with Louis? he won't answer me.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself.

Harry: I dontkanjak

Lydia: what the? what are you trying to type doofus :D

I can't fucking type right! "Why can't-" I started feeling dizzy. Ah everything is going blurry and my throat is burning. I could feel my eyes rolling back and I heard Niall and Liam walk in.

"Hey H-Harry?!" Liam shouted as he lifted my head. I feel like if I can't breathe. I can't even move. I tried but I barely twitched. "His eyes! Oh man his skin is pale."

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