Chapter 27

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Louis' POV

"You haven't stopped looking at me for the past hour." Harry's raspy voice startled me. I thought he was asleep.

"Just being careful ..."

"I'm fine. I feel fine. I'm not Bambi." Harry chuckled.

"Bambi?" I started laughing slightly.

"Yes, Bambi. I'm not helpless."

"It may not be that bad, but you still have a concussion. You know what that means." I smirked.

"No. Don't even think about it."

"What? You think you're gonna drive? Nuh uh. Hand em over." Finally, I get to drive his car. The first person ever to!

"Ugh. Stupid shit." He handed them to me and we left the room after checking with the nurses.

"Freedom!" Harry sat up tossing his arms in the air as if he just won a marathon.

"Calm down you goof. We still have one last week of classes, then you graduate." I smiled as Harry's expression fell into a small frown.

"That means ... I won't be able to see you as much as I do now." He placed his head against the window then shot it back up. "Wait. I have to tell you something, Lou."

"The job?"

"You know?" Harry asked. "Dammit. I wanted it to be a surprise!" He groaned.

I laughed and pulled off the freeway.

"Well ... I got the job I have been dreaming about! I got it!" Harry cheered.

"Congratulations. Though, I knew you would've gotten it."

"Oh don't flatter me now."

"I also uhm wanted to ask you something." I could see Harry looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah?" I pulled into his apartment parking lot.

"It's actually about my apartment." He stepped out. I followed and we walked up the stairs.

"Yeah?" We walked into his room and he took off his blazer.

"Hold on." He rummaged through a drawer. "Here it is."

I looked at his with a confused look.

"I've been wanting to ask if ... if uh ..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "If you wanted to move in ... with me?" Harry smiled and held a key in front of me.



I grabbed the key and wrapped my arms around him. "Oh you're about to be so annoyed of me." I joked.

"Already am." Harry shot back.

"Oh you!" I laughed and playfully hit his arm.

We sat on the couch, cuddling, and watching movies for the rest of the day. I didn't want to make his concussion any worse by going somewhere.

"Do you—" I was about to ask Harry but saw him asleep. "Cute."

I should probably pack up my stuff. It'll be a lot easier. I don't want to get stuck later on as everyone else is moving out of their dorms.

I broke away from his arm around me and stood up. I called an uber to pick me up and made my way to campus.

Right away, my phone buzzed.

Harry: you left me :(

I chuckled and responded.

Louis: to pack, silly

Harry: oH :0
Harry: you are forgiven

Louis: that's what i thought :P

Harry: ima get some sleep
Harry: text me when you get to the dorms tho! goooood night!

Louis: goodnight ! :)
read at 6:48 pm

I put my phone away and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

I always enjoyed watching everything go by.

I arrived to the dorms and immediately texted Harry that I made it safely. Of course he didn't reply back ... he was asleep.

I walked in and saw Liam kissing Rosana. "Woah you two!" I turned away.

"Oh shit. Sorry Louis. Didn't think you'd be back today." Liam laughed.

"Did Harry tell ya?" Rosana asked and wiggled her brows.

"You knew?"

"We all knew! He wouldn't shut up about 'Oh he's probably gonna say no'." She did her best Harry impression. Not bad actually.

I laughed and sat on my bed. "He's a bit dumb sometimes."

"A bit?" Liam emphasized.

"Shut up!" I laughed again.

"I should probably head back home." Rosana pointed out. "It's a bit late."

I waved as the two left the room.

I was a bit tired myself and shut my eyes. I'll pack in the morning.


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