Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

I woke up to the smell of way too much alcohol.

I'm still in the frat house? I blink a few times trying to wake myself up more, lifting my head from someone's shoulder.

"N-No st-stop..." I hear a soft murmur besides me. Besides me? I look and it's Harry. Ah that's right.

"M-Mum. Stop the car!" Harry raises his voice then his eyes snap open.

"Harry?" Harry looked at me.

"What happened?" He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "What time is it?"

"No nothing and uhm," I pull my phone out, "it's about to be 10 am."

"Fuck!" Harry stood up and bolted out the door. He sure loves running out of places.

"Oh hey Louis. Ah." Liam groaned rubbing his temples. "My head is killing me."

"And that's why I don't drink."

"Why are you yelling?" Liam hissed and covered his ears.

Yelling? I barely raised my voice? I'll show him yelling ...

"Oh? You mean like this!" I screamed right in his ear causing him to fall off the couch.

"You asshole-"

I snickered and left the horrid smelling home. As I walked toward campus, I checked the time on my phone and it read 10:15 am. I'll make it to my Saturday class. Liam said I was stupid to sign-up for a second song writing class but I want to improve and I love writing songs so why wouldn't I.

Once I reached the room it was 10:25 am. I walked into Professor Hayetta's room and told her that I was new to her class.

"Welcome and take a seat, young song writer!" She gave me a warm smile and I returned it.

I sat down in the back of the room, away from any classmates I assumed would be loud. No better place than the back. I took out my notebook and flipped it to a song I wrote in Doncaster before I had left. Coming up with a name for it was harder than I thought-

"Ah Mr.Styles. Late again? I hope you're doing-" The young professor gave him a raised brow.

"Yeah yeah spare me the pity speech this time." Harry spat and made his way to the back. He sat in the seat beside me. I guess he likes the back too.

"Alright then." Her smile faded but reappeared instantly. "Don't forget! We'll be having a song writing assignment next week and you must work with a partner or group." Everyone groaned.

Why groan about writing a song ... a song writing class ...? What did they think we were doing? Going to concerts? Oh I wish ...

"Quiet down. It's not very difficult and not too much to ask. If it is, maybe change your major. The rest of this class will be off, so feel free to work on the song. Have a lovely day." She dismissed us and locked her door.

Already? That was it? That was what 10 minutes?

" Oh, Harry. I have your-" I started to tell him that I had his sweatshirt but he cut me short.

"Not right now Louis sorry." He sighed and walked off.

Uh- What am I supposed to do with it?

I walked off toward a tree on campus and took out my lyrics. I can't call it a song until I found a name for it and perfected the lyrics.

I put in my headphones and started reading what I have now;

Title: working on it.

My hands, your hands
Tied up like two ships
Drifting, weightless
Waves try to break it
I'd do anything to save it
Why is it so hard to say it?
My heart, your heart
Sit tight like book ends
Pages between us
Written with no end
So many words we're not saying
Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone
You make me strong
I'm sorry if I say, "I need you"
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?
Think of how much
Love that's been wasted
People always
Trying to escape it...

[A/N:] Can you finish the line? (:

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up.

"Hello Lewis." Niall chirped and stood there slurping a drink and eating a donut.

"It's Louis not Lewis." I roll my eyes and bite on the back of my pen, trying to think of the next lyrics.

"I know." He ate the rest of his donut in one bite. One bite! "Whatcha got there?" He grabbed it and started reading it aloud.

"Ehem. My hands, your hands tied up like two ships
drifting, weightless ... waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it." He stopped but kept reading silently. "I really like this dude! You haven't finished it huh?"

"No no I haven't." I started tapping my pen. I'm so happy that he liked it.

"For the title. What about... weightless." He smiled and slurped his drink.

I wasn't sure about that for the title ... it's good but it doesn't feel right. "I'll think about it." I nodded.

"Damn. That's the nice way of saying no." He pouted. Niall said his goodbyes and left me in peace.

"Hmm." I sighed and grabbed my stuff. I decided to make my way back up to the dorms. Maybe a title will come to mind later.

I took out the key and walked down the hall.

"Wait! Harry just talk to us please!" I heard Liam's voice call down the hall.

"You guys keep pushing and pushing! It's not like a pet of mine died! Do you realize this was my mother? Just leave me alone!" Harry screams from the top his lungs. I can tell he was furious because you can see his veins popping out on his neck and the shade of red on his face.

He pushes through everyone in the hall not even paying any attention. "Besides I was trying to hang with Louis-" He swings his arm around my shoulder and walks me down the hall.

"Uh what was that about?"

"They just don't understand what I'm going through. Sorry if it scared you to see, I promise I'm not usually like that."

I shrugged. I honestly don't care if he is or not but man I was trying to take a nap.

We walked to the tree I originally left from and sat there awkwardly. I never really noticed his hair before. I'm jealous honestly ... my hair is flat and barely grows. He has shiny brown hair that falls to his shoulders. Must be nice being god's favorite.

"Did your shirt survive?" He broke the silence.

"Unfortunately no. The doctors broke the news to me that mysterious red punch stains white t-shirts. I'm heartbroken!" I joked. I assumed he was still bothered by the scene Liam and he caused. May as well lighten the mood.

"Oh no!" Harry fake wiped away tears and started chuckling. Ah good!

We started making conversation and joking around. Who knew the angry man that stormed into my dorm was a pretty alright lad.

[A/N] : It's a bit slow right now but I'm trying to make it work so it makes sense :)

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