Chapter 31

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Louis' POV

"Good luck on your first day." I mumbled to Harry.

He was getting dressed as I laid in bed.

"This shirt or this one? Should I wear a hat? No. Hm. Maybe a tie?"

I started laughing. "You'll be fine, Harry. Hmm second shirt and use that coat over there."

I like your thinking. He got dressed and posed. "How do I look?" He smirked.

"Eh." I joked.

"Oh you—" He walked over to me and laid on me, planting kissed all over me.

"You're gonna be late on your first day, idiot." I laughed, trying to push him off.

"Fine fine." Harry groaned and got up. He grabbed his bag and keys. "I'll see you later, Lou." He smiled.

"Have a good day." I got up and pecked him. "You'll do good." He smiled and walked out of the door.

I hope he has a good day.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning and killing some time. I played my guitar for a few hours and hung out with Kyle.

He wasn't such a bad guy after all. I'm still alive and breathing so that's good.

Turns out they work at the same studio!

"Yeah he started today." I told him.

"What's his name?" Kyle asked.

"Harry. Harry Styles."

"That sounds familiar." He paused, then his eyes lit up. "Styles! I hired him!" He laughed.

"Really?" Small world.

"Yes! He showed me a few of his songs and I actually offered him a song writing position. I couldn't pass him up so I offered him the producer position and let him know we would enjoy his songs if he was willing to share them."

"That's great!"

"What about you? What's your dream job?" Kyle questioned.

I never really thought of a specific job. I enjoy many aspects of the music industry but wasn't sure. "Hm. I'm not sure really. I'm into song writing, too."

"That's understandable. I'd love to read your work."

"Right now?"

"Sure. I mean we are at your place, might as well take a look." He shot a smile at me.

I nodded and walked to the room. I walked back to the couch and handed him my song journal.

He read and flipped through multiple songs, but was silent. I was nervous. I know it's nothing serious but I never really share my music. I always feared that it would be bad or not good enough. That's probably why I haven't settled on a job.

"These are ... amazing, Louis." He said as he flipped to another song. "Just wow. I'd love to offer you a job when you graduate!"

Wait. Really? He liked them ...? He liked them!

I felt my face redden. "You like them?"

"Yes! They're great. How couldn't I?" He closed and handed me my journal. "Do you play or only write?"

"I mean ... I play guitar mainly and sing a bit but it's nothing special."

"Show me." Kyle stared at me.

"It's really not good."

"I don't care. I wanna hear it."

I got up again and brought over my guitar. "I warned you." I took in a deep breath and began playing a song I wrote called "18".

He sat there and listened to every word, never interrupting. I looked up and saw a year running down his cheek. What the—

I stopped playing. "I'm sorry!" I apologized.

"No no! It's just such a beautiful song and you have such a unique voice. I've never heard such a voice before. I mean that in a good way."

I was a bit overwhelmed. "T-Thank you."

"You should honestly think about being a solo artist. If you're not comfortable with that then think about being a song writer. I'd love to introduce you to my colleagues." He placed his hand on my head.

"I'm home." Harry stepped in. He looked at me and then at Kyle.

"How was work?" I got up and placed my guitar down.

"Kyle?" Harry looked confused and ignored my question. "What're you doing here?"

"Louis was showing me a few songs and played me something. He has a good voice, Styles."

"I know." Harry responded dryly.

"You should come by the studio, Louis. You're definitely someone I have my eye on." He started walking toward the door. "See you tomorrow, Harry." He left.

Harry placed his bag down and looked at me. "What?" I questioned. Was he thinking about Kyle being here?

"Nothing. Work was actually great, Lou!" Harry smiled. He sat down and started telling me all about the studio. The people he met, the songs he listened to, and the overall experienced his first day. I always loved listening to Harry rave about his day or things he enjoyed.

I sat there smiling as he continued.


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