Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

I can't believe it's been a week already. I guess I didn't deserve her after all. I took another chug from the bottle and placed it down.

I haven't even been out of my room since. I couldn't care less about classes.

"Hey Ni?" There was a soft knock at the door.

"What Styles." I snarled. I couldn't put up with it anymore. The hourly check ups and people being awkward around me. I guess this is how Harry felt with us.

"Can you let us in? I know what you're doing. I've been there before."

I pushed myself up and stumbled around a bit, but I managed to get to the door. I unlocked it and Harry pushed it open.

"Niall. Really?" He was standing there right next to Liam.

"Really what?"

Harry motioned his head to my room. I looked at the mess I've created. "My roommate doesn't even care. Right, Jared?

Jared only shrugged and bit into the burger I bought him. I guess that's why we get along. We just bond over food and don't care much about anything else.

"Why did you guys really come?" I asked.

"To tell you that we're going to the club Mitch works at. You can't say no. We're coming back at 9 so be ready." They left just like that.

I guess it could help.


"Let's go, Niall!" Harry yelled from the hall.

"Going." I grabbed my wallet and said bye to Jared.

I stepped out and saw Liam, Harry, and Harry's roommate. What's his name again? Zack?

"Zayn's coming along. He's actually pretty sick." Liam said and he tossed his arm around Zayn.

"Okay. I guess." We walked to Harry's car until I realized Louis wasn't with us."Hey? Where's Louis?" I asked.

"He's meeting us there."


"He's a big boy." Harry joked. I only shrugged. The three guys were laughing and singing to some song on the radio. First, I get dumped and now my friends replaced me? Lame ...

A different song came on that nobody but Harry knew. It wasn't bad ... just ... different. I looked at his phone to read the title. "Affection" by Cigarettes After Sex.

"This music is odd, Styles."

"Yeah ... I didn't think I'd like because of the soft enchanting sound, but Louis has been playing it a lot. It grew on me. He showed me a playlist that said 'For Haz'.

"Really?" I stuck my tongue out. I acted like it was cringy, but who wouldn't want a custom playlist. I hate them.

"Look what love does to you." He shrugged.

Did he just say love?

"Wait. Love?!" I screeched making him swerve on the road for a second.

"Dude!" Harry choked. "You gave me a damn heart attack!"

"Sorry! Sorry ... but, Styles, you just said you love."

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