Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

I finally picked up the last part of Louis' gift. They were tickets to Italy. He has dreamed of going there. I can't wait to see his smile.

I told Liam to pick me up. I let Niall, unfortunately, borrow my car. He needed it for some errand.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, I called his cell but it went straight to voicemail. Hm.

I was waiting impatiently as I called him a few more times but they all were never answered. Suddenly, a car parked in front of me and the window rolled down. Liam's face appeared. "H-"

"What the hell, Liam." I hopped in and punched his arm.

"Ow what the fuck."

"Dude I thought something happened to you. Why didn't you answer?"

"I accidentally left my phone at my place and there was traffic so I didn't want to go back. Jesus. No need to abuse me." Liam whined.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Oh!" I twisted around to fit my hand in the side of my bag and pulled out the gift bag. I sat back into the seat and showed Liam the gift. "I also got these tickets."

"Damn." Liam replied. I put it away and he smirked.


"Oh. Nothing." Liam faced back toward the road, driving into the freeway entrance. "Just glad that you're happy."

"So am I." I looked down into the box and sighed happily.

We drove and listened to music for the rest of the ride. Once he got to my apartment, I thanked him and rushed up the stairs. Today was tiring and I haven't been able to talk to him all day. He was recording and I was working and well ... buying this.

I tripped over a short plant by the stairs but saved myself from falling to the ground. When the fuck did they put that there?

I moved it over and unlocked the apartment door. I saw him sitting on the couch watching television.

Louis' POV

I was watching a rerun of the new Walking Dead Episode when I heard the door unlock. Oh my—

The apocalypse has started. I'm gonna be eaten by a zombie! Ah! I ducked and laid on the sofa.

"What a beautiful man." A raspy voice startled me. Harry! I peeped over the sofa cushion to see Harry standing there before me.

He walked over in front of me. I pulled him beside me and got on top of him. I missed. I placed my head on his chest and looked at him. He leaned upwards, pushing away the hair on my forehead, and planted a kiss on it.

"I missed you," He whispered softly.

I just smiled, kissing him once on each cheek, before pressing my cheek against his warm, clothed chest, absorbing his heat.

"How was recording?" He toyed with my hair, twisting it around his long fingers, kissing the top of my head.

"Tiring." I mumbled. "But it was a lot of fun. They had me record 'Walls' again after you left. They said they'll be releasing that one for my first single." I told him with my head lifted, dropping it back onto his chest, nuzzling my way back into the crook of his neck.

"That's good." Harry whispered. He ran his hand down my back. His cold fingers cause goosebumps to form. "Can we have some fun, Lou?" He lifted my head to look at him. I blushed and nodded. He flipped to switch spots with me, I was laying on the sofa and he was above me, and made his way to my sweet spot and sucked on it.

I tried fighting back a moan but I failed as he nipped at my skin. Harry kissed me and made me giggle as he carried me to bedroom.


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