Chapter 9

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Louis' POV

"Louis get up! We have a party to crash, mate!" Liam shook me around viciously.

"Another party?" I rubbed my eyes looking at my phone reading the time. 11:36 p.m.

"That's what happens when you hang with juniors! Welcome to college." Liam laughed throwing clothes at me.

I simply chuckled putting on the outfit. It's probably cold out now so ... I grabbed a jean jacket and made my way with Liam to his car.

"Hi humans." Liam smiled at both Harry and Niall as they hopped into the car.

Harry sat in the back next to me. "Hi Lou." He said buckling in.

"Lou again?"

"I'm just going to call you that. I like it." His cheeks slightly blushed. He went on his phone and that was that. I thought we'd talk more but I guess not.

I hate to say it but ... I liked it too ...

Liam pulled up to the same frat house that the first party was at.

Harry sprang out and disappeared into the crowd.

He's been acting so weird.

"Let's go, Louis." Liam said swinging his arm around my shoulders.


We've been here for a good 30 minutes now. Niall and Liam are on their 4th beer pong game. Still undefeated. Harry was on his 3rd drink. I'm surprised. I thought he'd be playing beer pong.

Harry and I have been sitting on a sofa by the reigning champs, talking about the most random things. He made a few jokes that were terribly cheesy and I slightly blame the alcohol. I'm glad he's not drinking too much.

Across from us was this blonde chick who kept looking at us. She seemed pretty desperate. Whenever Harry makes some stupid joke she giggles and looks at us.

"You smell good." She said giggling again with her yellow crooked smile. She's obviously a junkie.

"Clearly I'm not the only thing you're sniffing." He rolled his eyes and walked over to the guys playing beer pong.

"Asshole. How bout you?" She reached for my fringe. but I leaned back.

"Oh hell no." I got up grimacing at the idea. This punch I've been drinking is pretty disgusting. I felt nauseous and gagged a few times.

"Where's the ... b-bathroom." I asked Niall holding onto my stomach and mouth.

"What?!" He had a funky smile and fell back onto some people. Idiot.

"This way." Harry grabbed my arm yanking me up the stairs.

"Where do-" I ran and threw up into the toilet.

Harry shook his head and leaned against the counter of the sink.

"I didn't think punch would make me throw up." I coughed. I closed the toilet and moved toward the sink. I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth.

"That's because it isn't punch." Harry laughed. "It's the frat's 'special mix'. They make it every time."

"I knew it tasted funky and that explains the dizziness. How was I supposed to know!" I whined. I had no idea it was an alcoholic punch. Can they not live without alcohol in everything?

"Well now you do. Huh. What do you know?" Harry slightly chuckled.


"It's the same bathroom we met in." He smiled.

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