Chapter 16

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Louis' POV

I woke up to Harry rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Finally." He groaned.

"Good morning to you too." I yawned.

"Oh. Sorry. Let me give you a proper morning wake up." Harry said. I looked at him confused and he suddenly leaned forward, nipping at my neck.

"Harry!" I laughed. I could feel his mouth form into a smile.

"I could do m-"

He was interrupted by the twins barging in, screaming with pure joy. "Louie! Louie!" Ernest yelled.

Harry rolled back over and I sat up. "What's going on?"

"It's snowing!" They looked like little marshmallows bundled up in their puffer coats. They started jumping around. "Mummy said we outside yes?"

"Mum told you I would take you outside?" I questioned. They're still young so it's hard understanding what they genuinely talk about. They both nodded and ran out.

Harry was already putting a jacket and a pair of boots on. I slipped on a pair as well and my coat.

The twins came back in and grabbed my hands, pulling me down stairs. "Okay okay!" They kept pulling me until we got outside. I was about to show them how to make a snowman when Doris threw a handful of snow at my face.

"Ha! They got-" Harry laughed until they started throwing snow at Harry.

"No! What did I do?! This means war!" He formed a snowball and threw it straight at Daisy.

"Hey no fair!" She pouted running at Harry. She pushed him into the snow and Phoebe started covering him in it.

I picked up both Daisy and Phoebe by the waist."Hey let us down." Phoebe screeched so I obliged and tossed them into the snow. "As you wish!"

"It's on." I saw Phoebe digging up a wall and Daisy making snow balls.
"Oh no!" I grabbed Harry's hand and got onto my knees.

"What's going-oh!" Harry started forming the snowballs and I made the wall.

"Fire!" I heard one of them screech from the top of their lungs. One hit my head and the other hitting Harry's cheek.

"Ow! I know I said war but jeez-" Harry grabbed a snowball and I grabbed one. I threw it hitting Phoebe knocking her down. That made her furious. She started tossing snowballs one after the other.

"Jeez." I bent down to cover myself with the wall.

"Lou they're crazy!" Harry was laughing so hard holding onto his stomach. I peeked over the snow wall and bam! Snow struck me right in my face.

Harry looked at me dying from laughter once again. "Oh yeah?" I grabbed snow and threw it at him.

"Hey! Oh you really did it now." He picked me up and threw my over his shoulder. "Come and get him!" Oh no! Phoebe, Daisy, Doris, and Ernest came running at us like a pack of wolves.

Harry backed up and jokingly said, "Attack!"

They jumped on me and started tickling me. "Surrender! Surrender!" They shouted.

"N-Never!" I pushed up through them and ran inside, locking the door behind me. They all banged on the clear glass. Eventually they gave up and began playing with one another.

Harry placed his hands on the glass making puppy eyes at me.

"Let me in ..." He begged.

"No. You left me there to die!"

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