Chapter 14

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Louis' POV

I woke up to an alarm noise going off repeatedly.

"Louis get up!" Liam was pulling me out of bed. Half asleep I stumbled and rubbed my eyes.

"Bloody hell? What's going on?" I groaned. I just want to sleep. My bed was so comfy and warm. So soft. So-

"There's a fire across the hall. Hurry up!" I slipped on my adidas and we ran out. A fire? From what?

Everyone had evacuated the building. We were all watching and waiting as firemen rushed in. How'd it start?" I asked Liam.

"Ferris Taylor was smoking pot. I don't know how it actually started but that's what everyone is saying." Liam replied as he crossed his arms.

Harry was leaning against a wall just gazing at the building. He was playing with his finger nails, his hair was wet and hung low on his face. He looks so- no Louis stop.

As I was trying to take my focus off of him, he looked around and his eyes paused at mine. We stared for a moment and I could see a smile form but suddenly stop. He looked away.

Men. Am I right?

"Did he get arrested?" I asked to take my mind off of Harry.

"Yeah." Liam pointed at the red head being shoved into a police car.

"Wow. Great start to the day." I sighed. Everyone continued the day like nothing had happened.

I just wandered around trying to find something to do. I decided to walk around the park near campus. I enjoyed strolling around there. Today there was a large group of lads playing football, a dog chasing a frisbee down, and- huh? What's that?

I walked closer to observe a group of guys hitting one another with fake swords and bean bags. What the-

"Interesting isn't it. Kind of weird but seems fun." I looked down to the woman speaking. She had a book in hand and was sitting on a blanket. She was quite beautiful. Brunette hair to her shoulders, bright green eyes, a light scatter of freckles on her face, and rosy cheeks.

"Oddly yes. What is it?"

"They're sayin' it's a reenactment of some sort. I say it's a geek war." She guffawed. "The bean bags are 'potions'. Either bad and good I guess? And if you're hit with bad ones more than 3 times, you die."

"Huh." It's pretty weird just seeing it all happen. People running around smacking each other with foam sticks and throwing purple bean bags at each other. "Then I agree. It's definitely a geek war. I'm Louis by the way."

"I'm Gemma." Why does that name sound familiar?

Gemma ... Gemma ... G-

Harry mentioned a Gemma but ... OH ... Harry's sister !

I wasn't sure if I should ask if she was his sister or not. Maybe she was looking for him and I could be of some help? Then again, Harry didn't seem too happy speaking to her on the phone anytime I was around. I'll just leave her be. "Nice meeting you, Gemma. Enjoy the geek war." I waved and continued my walk.

I was still a bit sleepy from being woken up abruptly this morning. My eyes felt heavy and I was in the mood for a coffee so I decided to walk over to Java Cafe. It's a small hidden gem and currently my favorite coffee spot.

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