Chapter 11

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Louis' POV

It's been about a week or so. Harry's been allowed to leave the hospital now and Niall couldn't wait so he went over to get him. Liam, Lydia, Dylan, and I were sitting in the waiting room.

I didn't really want to come after the last time I was here. It kind of hurt but I do care about him still so I decided to come. I still can't stop thinking about what happened at the party. It just repeats in my mind and it won't stop!

"Louis." I looked up and Niall was standing in front of me with Harry behind him and a girl I wasn't familiar with.

"Are you ok?" I couldn't help hugging him. Harry hesitated for a second but hugged me back tightly.

Niall cleared his throat and we broke apart. He looked at us with a small smirk but laughed. "Um this is my um girlfriend, Adamari." He smiled, placing his palm on her shoulder.

"Hi!" She smiled widely.

Harry and I introduced ourselves."I'm starving." Harry mumbled.

"Rico's?" Liam said with his arm around Lydia. Dylan was here with us but he kept his distance. I guess he still felt awkward around us? I found it a bit funny.

Niall's eyes lit up. "RICOS!" He bolted to Liam's car. Adamari just stood there and laughed. Her laugh was infectious which caused everyone to laugh as well.

"I'm gonna go actually ..." I told them as I began to walk away.

"Alrighty!" Everyone said their goodbyes. Harry and I made eye contact but I turned around and made my way.


I was on my bed with my laptop in my lap. I was watching Dexter and couldn't help binge watching.

My phone suddenly went off so I turned it on to see who it was.

unknown number: hey it's Harry :)

Since when did he text me?

Louis: um hi?
Louis: how'd you get my number

Harry: I have connections ...
Harry: wanna hear a joke

Louis: I guess so

Harry: what did one bean say to the other?

Louis: um idk. what?

Harry: how's it BEAN hahahahah

Louis: that was painful to read

Harry: I got another one for you
Harry: what do cats eat for breakfast?

Louis: uh. milk ?

Harry: Mice Krispies!

Louis: painful. just painful ...

Harry: what do you call an alligator in a vest


Harry: inVESTigator

I laughed and shut my phone off, making my way to the showers.


Harry: you're ignoring me ... I didn't think they were that bad :(

Louis: they are and you know it

Harry: do you prefer dirty jokes ;)

Louis: wtf no Harry

Harry: dirty pick up lines??

Louis: Jesus Harry

Harry: you're not supposed to be saying that until tonight!!!

Louis: are you really saying shit like that after what you told me ?

Harry: you remembered that? it's really complicated lou. i honestly don't know what i am
Harry: i've never been with a guy or did anything with one besides you ya know? 

Louis: you could've just said that. it's completely fine. just don't start anything unless you're sure alright ?

Harry: okay okay. i'm sorry again :((

Louis: it's fine don't worry about it

It felt good talking about it a bit. At least I got some clarity.

I power off my phone and just sleep.


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