Chapter 22

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Disclaimer : This chapter contains smut

Louis' POV

I was sitting on a couch surrounded by either drunk people or potheads. I couldn't tell. The party was fun for a bit but the alcohol starting kicking in and making me woozy. I didn't know where anyone was. Harry disappeared with Zayn saying he'd be back in '20 minutes' which turned into an hour and Niall and Liam practically vanished.

"Hey cutie." A red head placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Not interested." I looked down at my phone hoping someone would reply to me asking where they were. Still nothing.

"Oh come on! Show me a good time." She ran her fingers down my arm and traced around my wrists.


"He said he wasn't interested." Harry growled at her. Finally! Someone- I looked at Harry wiping his mouth off with his shirt, leaving a small red mark on it. I looked at his hands. His knuckles were torn and bleeding.  The girl stared at him afraid and walked off. "We have to go know Lou." He grabbed my wrist and we pushed through the crowd until we reached the yard. I was still trying to process what was happening, the alcohol wasn't doing me any good.

"Where is he!" I turned around seeing two furious guys burst through the side gate into the front yard. One had a black eye forming, a gash underneath that same eye, and a swollen lip. The other had a swollen cheek, cut lip, and blood dripping from his nose.

What the?

"There he is!" They pushed through a few people in the yard to reach us. I was trying my best to run but the world was spinning and I couldn't tell if I was running or not.

I felt someone grab my shirt and pull me back. AH what the fuck-

"Lou! You fucking bastard get off of him-" Harry yelled. One guy pinned me down and the other held Harry back.

"Get off!" I squirmed around but he was too heavy. I was never one for fighting but if push came to shove ...

I raised my knee as hard as I could, kicking him where no man wants to be hit. He immediately tried standing which gave me my opening. I slipped my leg underneath him, my shoe against his stomach and pushed up. It cause him to flip over me. I rolled over and pushed myself up. His friend was still shocked about what happened as I grabbed him by his shirt toward me and away from Harry. He turned to face me as I did so and I threw a punch aimed at his jaw. The guy fell to the floor.

"Come on!" I grabbed Harry's hand and started running toward the area he parked.

"That was hot as fuck." Harry joked as we reached his car. I think it was only an adrenaline rush cause once we stopped running the excitement was gone.

Harry started the car and drove off. "What happened?" I was putting on my seatbelt and shook my. I didn't realize how hard I swung until my wrist started hurting.

Harry didn't look at me or answer. He only stared at the road. He went down streets I didn't recognize and pulled up to an apartment building.

"Who's place is this?"


"Since when did you get an apartment?" We walked into the building. And rushed up the flight of stairs.

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