Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

We're standing outside of the airport right now, waiting for Lou's mum and sister to pick us up. My stomach was messed up from all the nerves. I barely told Lou how I felt about him and now I'm meeting his family. Ah man up Styles. I've never had a proper relationship so I don't know how to go about this. They're going to hate me. Maybe they'll make Lou end it. Oh what if-

"Louis! Big bro!" I saw a younger girl running up to Louis. I awkwardly stood behind him as if I could hide with all this height.

I recognized her. It's the girl from the call. Lottie is it?

"Hey you!" She came walking up to me, punching my arm. Ow. She then giggled and gave me a hug.  At first I felt awkward but I ended up hugging her back.

"Your hair is literally goals! How'd you grow it out like that?" Lottie started touching my hair.

"I just let it do its thing I guess."

"Modern Jesus." She giggled and grabbed one of our bags.

I smiled and we got into his mum's car.

We were all joking and making conversation until I started to feel uneasy. I looked around and something about this felt familiar.

My heart started racing. It's like that day.

I went silent and froze. I felt my muscles tense up and one of my hands gripped the car door. "Mum watch out!" I felt like I was having flashbacks. "It's all your fault!" "You shouldn't even be here right now. Mum should."

"Harry?" Louis whispered and snapped me back to reality. I felt him wipe away a tear from my face. I didn't even realize I was crying. "It's okay." He put his hand on my knee.

Johannah, I learned that was her name, pulled up to an intersection. "It's gonna happen. We have to get out." I felt like I couldn't breathe. I just kept seeing the crash over and over. Stop stop. I covered my eyes wanting it all to stop.

"Look Harry. We're fine." I lowered my hands and watched as we crossed the intersection safely. I started to relax and smiled at Louis.

We pulled up to a grey-ish blue colored house. A
man and 4 kids were outside waving. Big family.

"Hi Daniel." Louis hugged him. "I missed you guys." He bent down and hugged his siblings. They're all pairs of twins ... Well this'll be fun.

"Who's that?" One of the older twins raised her brow and pointed at me.

"This is Harry."

"Is he your boyfriend?" She was giggling. Lou's face got all red.

They all looked at him wanting an answer. I spared him the embarrassment and greeted them."Hi."

They all smiled and said 'hello' back at the same time. It kind of freaked me out. They all stood like the sinister children. God I've been watching too many movies.

"This is Phoebe and Daisy. The oldest twins. And this is Doris and Ernest." Louis specified.

"Mum said you two are gonna be in your room." The other twin said to Louis.

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