Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

We were walking back from Mrs. Hayetta's class to the center of the campus as Harry spoke.

"I think I'm gonna drop her class." Harry puffed.

"What why? It's a great class."

"I just find it pretty stupid and time consuming." He shrugged.

"College in general is time consuming." Lydia puffed. "Except all the cute guys. Now that's something I'd gladly waste time over." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Lydia!" I laughed.

"I'm not ashamed." She raised an arm with a fist and marched forward. She's too funny sometimes.

I guess Niall spotted us from somewhere because he suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Hey Louis ... can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah sure." I looked at Harry. He shrugged and walked off with Lydia.

"Is something going on with ... um ... you and Harry?" Niall shyly spat out.

I choked on my water and Niall started patting my back. "What?" I said after I cleared my throat.

"It just seems like something has been going on between you two. Harry always asks if you're around or if you're coming too whenever we invite him somewhere. Plus ... you guys are oddly friendly with one another." He raised a brow while we continued walking.

"Uh no. Nothing is going on." I answered as I scratched the back of my neck. I can't just say yes when I'm not even sure myself.

"It doesn't seem-"

"Niall, nothing is going on between us."

"Ok then." That was it. He dropped it and started talking about golf. I never took him for the golfing type but jeez this man can talk about it for ages.

I forgot I wanted to ask to hang out tomorrow. I ended up interrupting his golf talk and asked. "That's great Niall! Just great but tomorrow we have nothing to do, right? How about we all go to the pool or something? We just need to find someone with a pool but I doubt that would be difficult."

"What if you drown?" He made a joking "scared" expression and cupped my face. Ironically, I actually can't swim. I just enjoy soaking up to sun or swinging my legs in the water.

"I won't." I smacked his hands away and rolled my eyes.

He laughed and said, "Sure though! We can go to Adamari's place. She has a huge pool." He smiled.

"Yeah perfect." I was in charge of asking i'm the group chat and luckily everyone agreed! Perfect.


"Let's go!" Dylan honked his jeep's horn as we threw in towels and bags. Niall so lazy that he decided to plant himself on a towel and had us carry him in like we were in an Arabian movie.

"Thank you servants." He shooed us away as if we genuinely were servants.

Harry scoffed and sat right on Niall's belly causing an 'oof' sound burst out of him.

"Get. Off. You-"

Harry made it worse and sat on Niall's face. Niall began frantically kicking and screaming. "I dare you to finish that sentence." Harry yawned.

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