Chapter 23

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Louis' POV

Harry and I were wondering around the streets walking into any shops that caught our eye. All I wanted to do was sit down somewhere ... my back was killing me and I was so sore, but I didn't want this to stop. We were having a great time exploring around.

"You have to admit, the Harry Potter store was preeeetty magical." I smiled. After hearing all of Harry's jokes, they stuck to me. Now I can't stop making horrible jokes.

"You're getting good at those!." Harry hollered as he looked around for a new shop to invade. "Look!" Harry pointed at a small music store and we made our way to it.

"They have vintage record albums here." I whispered. I grabbed ahold of a David Bowie album, sticking it up to my face. Wow.

Harry chuckled, grabbing an album as well. It was an Elvis one. "Thank you. Thank you very much." Harry did an impression making me laugh.

We spent about an hour in the store, wandering around and admiring signed collectibles and buying a few records. Turns out the owner was a collector and was trying to get rid of a duplicates or pieces he felt had to go. He was a lovely old man, but the best part was when he thought Harry was his son.

"I can't believe he thought you were his son!" I laughed looking at him with a big smile.

"It caught me off guard." Harry chuckled lacing our fingers together. "I questioned my whole life for a second there."

"You would've fallen for it?" I laughed throwing my head back.

"Of course. That's the coolest old man I have ever met. I wouldn't hesitate or question if he was telling the truth. My whole life would've been a lie." Harry grinned.

"Not your whole life." I smirked at him. Harry placed his arm around my shoulders, holding me with one arm and holding our bags in the other.

"Ready for a lazy day, love." Harry smiled as we got back into the car.

"It's not really lazy since we came here-"

"Rubbish. It can be lazy startingggg now!" He turned on his car and drove to his apartment.


Harry's POV

"No no no. The point was that Malcolm and Desire loved each other but couldn't be together!" Louis threw his hands in the air.

"What about Charlotte and Desire?" I enjoyed seeing him getting all flustered. It was pretty adorable.

"What about them?"

"Okay hear me out ... what if she was conflicted? It was obvious that Desire wanted Charolette. That's why they ended the movie with Charlotte looking at Desire."

Louis opened his mouth but soon closing it. Ha. One point for Harry. "Speechless." I smirked.

"W-Well ... um ... maybe ... dammit." Lou hated it when he was wrong ever since I've met him. No matter what it was, he had to be right.

"I'm right for once. Just admit it! Harry Styles is finally right!" I jumped up happily; like everyone when Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar.

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