Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

Louis and I were sitting in the living room talking about random things.

I'm pretty sure his break ends soon before the next semester starts?

"Hey, when does next semester start?" Once I asked his happiness seemed to disappear. He had a small frown on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm uhm ... not going."

"What?" He placed his hands on his knees and sighed. "Why? What happened?"

"Well ... I kind of can't pay for it anymore. So I was thinking about talking to Kyle about that job. Hopefully he doesn't mind." I could see water build up in his eyes. I know how much he loved going to school.

Kyle. For fuck sake. I know Louis wouldn't do anything but I can tell that Kyle is interested. He knows his boundaries but I can still see it.

"No ... I-I can pay for it." I offered.

I don't know how but I could scrap up enough, right?

"What no! Harry it's your money. Besides. I've already earned a high enough degree, I should be fine."

An awkward silence filled our conversation.

Louis was about to speak as we heard loud voices in the hall.

"Who's that?" Louis asked as I looked toward the window. I called Liam and Niall over to distract Louis so I could pick something up.

"Louis! Harry!" I heard Niall's voice behind the door.

"Niall, you're being so loud." I heard Liam's voice too.

Louis opened the door and they barged in.

"Hey guys! Harry." Niall looked at me with a hand against his mouth. "How's the plan coming along?"

Fucking idiot.

"What plan?" Louis asked.

"Just a thing I need to do for work." It was a surprise for Louis really. "Niall wanted to help me out with it. But ... it's not supposed to be talked about. Ya know, music stuff."


"I'm looting your fridge." Niall announced.

"Like you'd stop if I asked anyways." I groaned. He continued on stuffing a bag with food. "Well, I'll be back guys." I ran my hand through Louis' hair and waved to the other two. I grabbed my phone and headed down to the shop.

I decided to call before arriving. "Hello, it's Harry Styles. I was wonder if it was ready?"

"Harry Styles? Let me see." A woman's voice came through. "Yes it is. You can pick it up when you want to. Just tell them your name and you should be good."

"Thank you." I'm so excited. I can't wait for Louis to see it.

"You're welcome. Goodbye." I clicked and drove off.

I hope all goes well. This is huge.

Louis' POV

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