Chapter 6

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Louis' POV

I oddly can't stop thinking about the talk I had with Harry a few days ago. I just feel so bad for him. I can't imagine what he must feel. I also hate that lately I've been siding with him when Liam and Niall try to push him "through" it ... That's something you can never really get through 100%.

"Louis!" The door swung open revealing a frustrated Niall and Lydia.

"What's up Niall-"

"Have you seen Harry or Liam?" Niall interrupted me yet again.

"No but Liam should be coming soon. I'm pretty sure his class ended. And why Harry?"

"He's not talking to anyone. A few days ago he was alright but now he's just pushing me away again. What his deal!"

"Calm down Niall. He's uh probably busy or something? I haven't spoke to him." Niall's eyes pierced through me. He was always good at reading people.

"Liar. Where is he?"

"I really don't know..."

"Louis. You do know. Tell me!" Niall grabbed my shoulders and started squinting.

"Niall?" Liam laughed as he came in.

"H-Hi. You haven't talked to me in ages!" Niall ran up to Liam and pouted.

"I talked to you this morning. Why are you two holding Louis hostage." Liam chuckled giving Niall a raised brow.

"Technically ... I'm not. This is your guys' room so yeah." Niall looked at Liam who was eyeballing Lydia's neck. Niall then stared at her neck as well.

"What?" Lydia gave him a confused look.

Niall moved her hair and gasped. "Hickey! Liam I never ever thought!" He covered his mouth but began laughing.

"Shut up." Lydia turned red and smacked Niall's arm.

I started laughing but then Liam's phone buzzed.

"Hello?" he answered.

No response.

"Hello??" He repeated and someone spoke. "The police station? What did you do?"

After a few minutes, Liam ended the call. "Let's go guys. Harry's at the station." He sighed and took his keys out.

The police station? What in the world did Harry do?!


As we arrived, Niall ran in and walked up to the front desk. He told the officer he was here to get Harry. The lady left and came back with Harry in cuffs.

"Harry? What the fuck!" Niall yelled only inches away from Harry.

"I'm right here damn take it down a notch." Harry hissed. The officer uncuffed him and Harry stumbled a bit and rubbed his wrists.

"Are you fucking drunk dude?!" Niall grabbed his shoulder and look straight in his eyes.

"Fuck off Niall." He started walking out of the station and started going down the street. "This is what you wanted"

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