Chapter 19

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Louis' POV

I woke up against Harry's chest, feeling it raise up and down with every breath. What time is it? I reached over for my phone to check the time. 2:34 am. 2:34?! We missed a few classes and I can't miss my last class! I had to wake him up but Harry likes his sleep. He was never a fan of waking up.

How do I get him to wake up? I have to be creative.

I went for the obvious choice, I placed a kiss on Harry's upper lip. Nothing but a groan. I held in a laugh and placed another kiss on the curly haired boy's neck. It didn't do anything. Of course.  I pecked Harry's lips but was stopped from pulling back by his palm against the back of my neck, gently pulling me forward.

Harry pulled away with a sleepy grin. "You should wake me up like that more often."

"Good morning to you, too. Well more like good afternoon ..."

"Afternoon?" He pushed himself up and looked at his phone screen. "2:38?" Harry slumped back into the bed. "Come here." He yawned sleepily with his hands up in the air, waiting for me.

"Harry we missed 3 classes. And I only have four today!" I was a bit worried.

"Relax its your first time not showing up to each of them. Missing class once isn't a big deal."

"What if I missed something important?" I covered my face with my palm. "I have enough time to make it to Breems' class. I'll see you later." I slipped on my shoes and took one step away from the bed, but Harry grabbed ahold of my t-shirt. Well ... his t-shirt.

"If you're leaving then kiss me you fool." I smiled,  giving him one more kiss and rushing out.

"Excuse me! I gotta get through!" I shoved through the hallway of students trying to make it into my lecture's room.

"There you are! Jeez Louis, where have you been mate?" Liam softly punch my arm. "Professor Doris questioned our research paper and I didn't know how to answer cause you weren't there. I was so embarrassed." Liam's face began reddening.

"I'm sorry Liam. Really! I barely woke up."

"I can see that." He fixed up my hair. "Oh and uhm ... you might want to cover that uhm love bite right there." He pointed at his lower neck. Shit. I zipped my jacket up more and pulled out my notes.


Mr. Breems' lecture was quite boring today. I guess Harry was right ... I literally could've skipped class and missed nothing.

"Louis!" Niall came sprinting toward me. He stopped and panted. "Damn I'm not built for running." He bent down and held his knees. "Adamari needs help at the mall. I don't understand dresses."

"And what makes you think I do?" Niall scratched his head.

"I dunno. You're the only person that came to mind. I mean do you think Liam, Harry, or I can help choose a dress? You have sisters! Multiple! Besides, you have better fashion sense than anyone I know." I looked at his outfit. Red jeans, white and red shoes, and a green striped shirt.

"Yeah that makes sense. You look like a candy cane dipped in snot." I barked out a laugh.

"Shut up. Can you just go help her? Please." Niall shoved his credit card in my hand and jogged over to the football team. Oh I mean "soccer" team. Liam was on it and Niall showed up to every practice.

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