Bad Boy's. (Klay and Steph) 1

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"Detective Curry my office now." Steve called out catching the light skin man's attention. He gritted his teeth a bit putting on his badge necklace. He wasn't in the mood because he knew what was coming.

"Coming." He yelled back, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip.

Meanwhile in the time he was making his way to the office, Gia and Abigail were getting ready to rob the biggest bank in Oakland.

"Yes sir?" He mumbled closing the door and looking at his partner Klay before sitting right next to him.

CIA Commissioner Steve Kerr sat in his office chair frustrated with his two best detectives. They knew information on their two biggest criminals and yet they still couldn't seem to catch them.

"Just listen gentlemen.. I called you two in here to talk about your suspects Gia and Abigail. Why do we have all this evidence and no one behind bars?"

Klay Thompson the other light skin man sighed tugging his lip between his teeth. "We have no excuse sir.. their just so hard to catch."

Stephen squinted his eye's a bit chewing on his fingernails. He had nothing to say for this unacceptable problem.

"There is no such thing as hard to catch Klay!" Steve hissed shaking his head. "You guy's have caught the biggest of the biggest criminals and I will not allow you to let those women get away. So what's really the problem?"

Steve looked at Stephen who seemed to be in his own little world trying to bite his nails into nonexistence. "Stephen do you have anything to say for yourself?"

He looked up looking at both his boss and partner. "Uh... We'll get them one day?"

Klay let out some air silently chuckling at his goofy partner. He knew it was only a matter of time before Steve and him got into it.

"I wish I could find something to laugh about too." Steve said growing angrier.

Klay stopped. "My apologies."

Steph just rolled his eyes crossing his arms. "I don't know what else to tell you sir, we're trying our damn hardest. These girl's aren't like any of the criminals we've dealt with before. They're highly trained assassin's that were personally trained by the government. Now they've went rouge and caused havoc all over the world. It seems to me the government should be trying to help too because not only is this their fault for even allowing division to be ran, but they did something to piss off their two best assassin's for them to go rouge in the first place. Now it's our fault if we can't contain the problem."

Klay was no stranger to Steph's thoughts on the whole situation but he was shocked at how he openly exposed his feelings to their boss.

"If that's how you feel then maybe I should just give Detective Paul and Griffin the case."

Steph scoffed sitting up. "Go ahead, and see how that gets you right back at the bottom."

Steve felt his blood boiling. "Steph I'm not appreciating this back t-"

Detective Green bursted in the office catching all three men's attention. "I'm sorry to interrupt but Gia and Abigail have just robbed our bank."

Klay and Steph jumped from their seats looking at each other with confused looks.

"When did they get in Oakland?" Klay asked Steph who was about to ask the same thing.

"I have no fucking clue but I'm not about to sit here and let them just Rob us and leave. They made a mistake coming here." Steph said looking back at Steve.

"I apologize for taking my frustration out on you sir, but you have to understand where I'm coming from."

Steve rolled his eyes standing up. "Whatever just get out of here and get them women. They're knocking on our front door and now we have to answer it."

Klay nodded his head sliding on his black shades. "Thanks Draymond we'll handle it from here."

Detective Green smirked at the men moving aside. "Go get em bad boy's."

Part 1.

(Dedicated to wardellswifey and thecolours )

;) #Surprise

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