Bad Boy's. (Klay and Steph) 5

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Klay got the call soon after Abigail had fallen asleep. He put her sleep the way any man should put the love of his life to sleep.

"Bro calm down why do you need me to come over now?" Klay asked rubbing his waves staring at the city from his condo window.

"Because you wouldn't believe me if you didn't see it with your own eye's." His best friend explained growing frustrated on the other side of the phone.

Klay bit his tongue looking back at Abigail wondering if he should just tell his best friend the truth since thing's were getting pretty hectic. "Try me."

Steph groaned. "Fine I'm sitting right next to Gia."

Klay's eye's widened and he began coughing sitting on the edge of his bed. "Your what?"

Steph rolled his eye's smacking his lips. "Say hi Gia."

Gia chuckled taking the phone from Steph, while Klay was slowly losing his mind.

"Hello Detective Thompson."

Klays body froze and he knew that now everything was about to unfold.

"Klay man you there? Look I know it probably sounds crazy and your thinking about beating my ass but please hear me o-"

Klay sighed knowing he couldn't judge the man on the other end of the phone at all. "Steph shutup.. I'm on my way."

Klay hung up before Steph could say anything else, burying his face in his hands. He felt arm's wrap around his waist releasing some air as Abigail placed kisses all over the man's shoulders.

"I thought you was asleep baby?" Klay mumbled and she giggled.

"I don't sleep that long and your fat ass made the bed move to much. So what's gotten you so shook up?"

Klay wiped his face turning and pulling Abigail in his lap. He could never explain just how much she meant to him, he was addicted.

"Steph just called me and told me to come over."

Abigail frowned. "He really wants to find Gia and I huh? I bet it's getting harder to pretend for my safety."

Klay shook his head almost laughing. "No see this is where it gets funny he's actually with Gia right now."

Abigail's eye's widened. "He caught her? She didn't make it to Trinidad?"

Klay shook his head again. "No she's at his house willingly. They're .. cool? I guess that's the right word for it."

Abigail gasped. "She knew she wasn't going to Trinidad that's why she was acting funny. Like it was gonna be our last time ever seeing each other again."

Klay bit his bottom lip giving the confused woman the look. "It's time to come out of hiding.. together."

She tensed. "She's gonna beat my ass."

Klay sighed. "Not like the ass whooping I'm gonna get from Steph."

Abigail frowned. "Damn we're fucked."
Klay pulled up outside Stephs home looking at Abigail who sat in the passenger seat with her shades on. She was extremely nervous and was really second guessing this whole thing.

"Oh god she's really gonna kill me."

It confused Klay seeing the deadly assassin freak out over something like this. She was if not just as strong and deadly as Gia. He didn't wanna see them really fight though, he thought of that as two bombs blowing up Oakland.

"You'll be fine. I mean yes she's probably gonna be pissed but she did lie to you too. She knew all along her plan wasn't to disappear with you."

Abigail suddenly grew angry. "Your right, now I'm gonna beat her ass."

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