Bad Boy's. (Klay and Steph) 3

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Stephen parked his car outside his two story home nervously letting out a shaky breath. Little did he know his partner in crime Klay was in a little situation of his own on the other side of the city. The only thing running through his head at the moment though was getting the answers to his questions.

From the second he had gotten this case he knew something wasn't right. The government was hiding stuff from it's country.

He got out off his car clicking the lock botton on his keys hearing the loud beep. His Mercedes Benz was his baby and he'd lose his mind if anything happened to it. He came face to face with his front door looking around the neighborhood not seeing any other car's near his home. She either wasn't there, or was simply just that good at not wanting to be obvious. But would you park right outside of a detectives home and your the most wanted person in the world?

Didn't think so.

He unlocked his door cautiously making sure to keep his guard up. If anything this could be a set up and his life could be in danger. He knew Gia was the one to catch you off guard and that's what made her the deadliest. She could kill you in a matter of seconds before you even realized she was in the same room as you. She didn't even need a weapon.

"The fact that your afraid sorta enlightens me." He heard her soft voice coming from the staircase. It made his heart jump finally coming face to face with the beautiful assassin.

"Gia." He said shutting his door and flipping on the light so he could get a better look at her.

She just smiled. "Detective Curry it's nice to finally meet you. I thought it would've happened a long time ago with your undeniable skills, but I guess being trained in a secret government facility for nearly 8 year's sorta makes me the more skillful one."

He squinted his eye's at the woman. "You wouldn't be here if this in some way didn't benefit you. So what's up here we are face to face for the first time. I've been chasing your every foot print and yet you always end up 10 more steps ahead of me. Matter of fact where's your partner Abigail?"

Gia threw her head back laughing. "Woah woah woah slow down Steph. Jeez you'd think the first question you ask me is how I knew were you lived."

The exhausted man walked into his living room making Gia confused but she decided to follow him anyway. She didn't trust him so she had to keep her guard up.

"Fine we'll start with that but you will answer every single question I ask you." He said sitting down on his couch. Gia had already looked around his home so she took a seat on the other end of the couch.

"Like an interview.. that's fine with me." She smirked crossing her legs and he watched her every move not believing that she was the person causing all these problems in the country. She seemed harmless, but looks were definitely deceiving in this case.

"So how did you know where I lived?"

Gia turned to look at him. "A few weeks ago I was actually in Oakland just scouting it out. Abb and I was right outside your station and no one knew. She had left to go handle some of our getaway business and I saw the famous detective that they put on our case and I honestly thought about following and killing you." She began noticing him tense up. "I decided against it and just followed you. I watched you for the next 2 days studying your routine. I didn't think it was fair you knew a lot about me, and yet I knew so little about you."

He couldn't believe he never felt like someone was watching him. He had instincts like a lion and it bothered him how easily she got passed that.

Gia thought about all of the event's smirking a bit. "I guess you'd hate to know I was actually in here with you."

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