Wet Special: Dell x Dell (1)

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Wardell or Odell? If you had to pick who would you pick? Hell I'm saving your life! Especially if your in my situation of not wanting to pick 😂. So let me be a hoe and fulfill my fantasies. -- slowly thinking about making a Dell x Dell imagine book.

This is pure Rated R and Comedy. Just enjoy, I'm basically telling a fantasy.  Both in 3rd and 1st person.


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No Ones POV

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No Ones POV.

Amour waited on the bleachers inside the gym waiting for her bestfriend Wardell to come out of the locker room. He begged her to come to his practice so they could chill afterwards at her crib. She knew he really just wanted her to help him with his chem X homework. Wardell was a math genius but when it came to science he couldn't put two and two together for shit.

"Alright Mory I'm ready," Wardell yelled catching her attention and she rolled her eyes standing up and hitting his arm.

"Come on slow poke, your gonna make me miss my show." She mumbled walking in front of him out the gym.

He chuckled following behind her and smirked. "Well maybe if you recorded it."

"Eat my ass." She laughed and he bumped her shoulder licking his lips viciously.

"I tried the other day but you was playing." He joked and her face screwed up making him laugh.

"Your disgusting. I'm gonna start calling you ass lips." She laughed and he shook his head.

"Pussy lips babe. I only eat pussy." He corrected her and her eyes looked everywhere but him as she made a face.

Even though secretly she wanted to test out that theory. Shit it was only fair! She help him pass Chem X, he let's her ride his face.

She laughed at her thoughts causing him to squint his eyes at her. "Why do I feel like you just said something extremely inappropriate in your head?"

She smacked her lips walking out of the school. "Me? Inappropriate? Haha no. Mory is innocent."

I'm extremely innocent. 🙂

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