Thankful • Steph Curry

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Happy thanksgiving babies! I love you all and I am very thankful for everyone who supports me and my wild ass writing lol. I know I'm trash. 😂😂 but you know I couldn't be me without putting something together for my girls. And who better then to use my dadd-I mean Wardell. 😩❤. Dont judge! Be thankful. 😆 - Amour 💕. [PS. -> sorry I had to use my name once again HAHA.]


"Your an ass don't do me like that." Amour giggled pulling her husbands hand back on her thigh as he drove. He looked over at her with love in his eye's smirking.

"I'm serious though your addicted."

The lovebirds were on their way to Stephens parents house for thanksgiving and they were having a playful argument about weather or not Amour was addicted to him.

"I am not addicted to you Wardell." She mumbled rolling her eyes and he pulled his hand away making her pout.

"See," He laughed. "I stop touching you and you catch an attitude or act like I'm being mean."

She just stared at him before looking away nodding. "Well I'm sorry for being so attached. I'll stop wanting you to love me."

He just kept a sly smirk on his lips eyeing her as he turned the corner. "Don't say that you know I'm playing with you. I couldn't stop loving you even if I tried."

She nodded again. "Cool to know you've tried."

He squinted his eyes at her. "Baby now you know I ain't say that. Stop making this what it isn't. I was playing with you."

She just continued to stare out the window ignoring him. She was emotional as hell lately and she didn't know why, all she knew was that he hurt her feelings. She always knew she was clingy but damn she didn't know he didn't like it.

A few minutes later, Steph pulled into his parents driveway parking behind Seth, as he cut the car off he heard sniffing coming from his wife and he immediately felt bad.

"Baby why are you crying-" He sighed reaching to touch her and she moved stopping him so he got mad. "What? I was just playing with you Amour stop acting like a brat."

Her eyes went wide and Steph damn near slapped himself.

"Wait no shit I didn't mean that either baby I don't know why I-"

"Because you clearly feel that way so leave my brat ass the fuck alone then." She mumbled shaking her head and hopping out the car grabbing her purse and the cakes walking to the front door.

"Damnit Steph." He sighed to himself hitting his head on the steering wheel. He knew he had fucked up. He was just teasing her without realizing she was actually insecure about being so attached to him.

He watched Sydel open the door screaming as she hugged Amour and pulled her in the house. He shook his head one last time before getting out and locking up the car heading to the door.

"Stebbin!" Sydel yelled his nickname pulling him in a hug and he chuckled hugging her back.

"Hey Sybel I missed you." He smiled saying her nickname pinching her cheek. "Where's Karl?"

(A/N: no they don't date, I just ship 😍.)

She smiled pointing her thumb to the back. "Towns is in the play room playing 2k with Seth, and pops is watching the football game."

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