Love & Basketball • Devin Booker

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papidevin - shout out to you! One of the winners of this week's request competition. 💯 now as I promised.. enjoy. ❤ - a.


It's been 20 minutes since the Pheonix Suns practice ended and deciding to stay after, you let out some air as the sweat rolled down your face, staring at the basket before releasing the ball and knocking down the free throw.

"Good now make that during the game."

You turned around rolling your eyes at Devin, who was the only other person in the gym with you. "Leave me alone you lightskin rat."

He laughed picking up the ball, making a lay up. "Well it's true. You were 2-7 from free throws the other night. That's not okay. How do you go from shooting 95% from free throw last year to shooting 82% this year?"

Your shoulders fell as you thought about it. He was right. "Just leave me alone."

Devin saw the pain in your eyes sighing and handing you the ball. "Look I'm not being a dick on purpose. I really wanna see you succeed. Being one of the few women in the NBA is a lot of pressure, and I want you to be the best one. So don't take what I say to you as me making fun of you, think of it as motivation."

You smiled softly. "You know that's the first time you ever said something nice to me. You going soft now?"

He bit his lip shrugging as he stared at the ground. "No so don't get used to it."

You chuckled. "Play me."

He looked up curiously. "What?"

"Play me."


"Check," You threw the ball at his chest. "First to 10, everything counts as a 2."

He squinted his eyes passing it back. "Check."

You just laughed dribbling between your legs as he got on defense, pressing his body against yours as you tried to get by shooting the midrange jumper. Devin let out some air catching the rebound and passed it back to you smacking his legs as he got back on d.

You stared at him intensely as you dribbled pulling up behind the three point line and knocking it down.


"Okay," He mumbled passing it back and clapping his hands. "Come on."

You smirked running to the left of him, trying to fake but he blocked it catching the ball and turning around knocking down the deep three.


You shook your head, mentally cussing yourself out as you got on defense. Devin purposely pushed his body against yours making you fall and hit the jumper again.


You hit the floor throwing your hand up. "You fucking charged at me!"

Oh the tension in the gym was thick.

Devin shrugged helping you up pushing the ball against your chest. "Alls fair. Now check me."

You were heated as you passed it back, bending your knees. "Alright then asshole, let's go."

He smirked dribbling it really fast as you tried to guard him bumping you with his shoulder, but you bumped back smacking the ball out his hand running for the easy lay up. You smirked back at him as you passed the ball to him.


"Check me." You mocked.

He cut his eyes at you throwing it at your chest and got back on defense. You guys kept pushing and bumping, until you finally crossed him and shot from the free throw line.

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