Bad Boy's. (Klay And Steph) 2

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"Abby we gotta go fuck her!" I yelled putting the duffle bags of money I had in my hands around my shoulders. She was too busy cussing out the lady who called the police before slapping her with her pistol. The other hostages screamed as she hit the floor making me chuckle a bit. I thought the dead security guard would be the thing that scared them the most.

"Stupid bitch." She mumbled putting her two duffle bags around her shoulders running to my side. "Sorry G."

I shook my head. "Just come the fuck on before they catch on to us."

She smirked pushing the back door open running to the truck. I looked over my shoulder shooting my gun in the air before smiling at everyone.

"Somebody please tell detective Curry that I left him a little present in the safe thanks."

I blew them all a kiss running out the back door seeing Abby starting up the truck. She looked at me shaking her head.

"And you say I'm the crazy one."

I sent her a smirk jumping in and throwing my bags to the back. "You are."

She just hit the gas laughing. "Bitch we're just two crazy muthafuckas."

I shrugged looking out the window for car's following us. "That's true but your still crazier then me."

She smacked her lips and I looked back at her laughing. "Look on the bright side though we have enough money to finally retire and live peacefully."

She just hummed turning into the ally where we parked our two vehicles to split up. Rule number 1 to actually getting away with a crime is never stay together especially when thing's are to hot.

"I think Trinidad's calling us."

I smiled just thinking about it. "Then Trinidad it is."

She parked the truck getting out and opening the trunk to retrieve her bags. "I guess I'll see you in Trinidad then."

I grabbed my bags getting out right behind her. "That's the goal girl.. be safe okay?"

She just stared at me. "Stop sounding like that Gia we're gonna meet up in Trinidad okay? Nothing or no one will stop us from getting out. Got it?"

I smiled softly nodding my head and she wrapped her arm's around me. "I love you girl."

I hugged her back letter out some air. "I love you too."

We pulled away and she sent me a goofy wink jogging to her black Cadillac.

"Wait!" I yelled and she stopped turning around. I threw the detonater to the truck to her and she caught it grinning hard.

"You can do the honors boo, see you on the other side." I winked back running to my mustang and jumping inside. I threw the bags in the back and put the key in the ignition thinking about everything that was about to go down. It honestly sent shivers down my spine knowing that it was all or nothing. I honked at her one last time driving out of the ally, and almost as on cue her car was zooming the other way and the truck blew up making me shake my head smiling.

That's my girl.

Now I needed to make a stop before I could do anything else.


By the time we made it to the bank the girls were long gone and everything in Oakland was in complete chaos.

"How'd the hell they get away so fast?" I yelled turning to Klay who just stared at the hostages being interviewed by reporter's and officer's.
He shook his head taking off his shades. "Because OPD is lazy and didn't get off their asses fast enough. They were in and out in 10 minutes tops."

I scoffed. "That's fucking crazy man we cannot let them slap us in the face and get away with it. Their in the palm of our hands Klay, why can't we catch them?"

He rubbed his head frowning. "Maybe we're just going about this wrong.. maybe we're missing something."

I placed my hands on my waist sighing. "Maybe."

A tall white man walked over to us holding his hat. "Excuse me which one of you is Detective Curry?"

Klay and I looked at each other before turning to him."That'll be me."

His eye's met mine and I could tell he was still a bit shaken up from today's event. "Um.. one of the women told one of us to tell you that she left you a present in the safe."

I raised my eyebrow confused. "Oh okay thanks for telling me, sorry about all of this too. Get home to your family sir."

He sent me a forced smile. "Thank you, and good luck."

We watched him run out of the bank looking at each other.

"What do you think it could be?" Klay asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know but I'm about to go find out." I mumbled making my way to the back passing the yellow police tape while Klay stayed in the front of the bank to talk to some of the hostages.

I cautiously ran down the stairs and I went under the tape again looking around the safe. Everything was weirdly neat and still in place minus a few thing's. It honestly sent chills down my spine at how good they were. Like none of this made sense and I really don't know why they came to Oakland just to get money when there's 49 other states and millions of cities. It's like they came here for a reason.

While I was walking around I spotted a piece of paper on a shelf with a hundred dollar bill folded on top of it.

I grew more cautious walking over to it and slowly grabbing the note opening it.

I wish you knew what I knew, I think you'd be pretty surprised with how much this country didn't know about it's government. Just know everything's not what it's seems and I'm done playing hide and go seek with you. Meet me where you lay your head and come alone because I have eye's and ear's everywhere and I don't think you'd wanna miss the opportunity to finally meet me face to face.

I think we need to finally stop playing game's with each other and talk.

- Gia

I gulped picking up the hundred dollar bill seeing she left her signature red kiss on it. It intrigued me more then anything and I was definitely going alone, I'd be a fool not too. No matter the cost because I wanted answers.

"Meet me where you lay your head" played back in my mind as I bit my bottom lip turning to leave.

How did she know were I lived?

Part 2.


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