Wet Special: Dell x Dell (2)

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No One's POV.

Amour twisted and turned after her first orgasm expecting Wardell to stop but he didn't, making her cry out his name.

"Wardell! Oh my god I can't-" She moaned louder and louder feeling her stomach tighten, making her legs shake as she tried to push his head away but he held her down, continuing his assault and she shook.

"Don't stop! Oooh I'm gonna cum again- yessssss." She whimpered out grinding her hips against his tongue and he watched her bite her fist as she came again, causing him to smirk and he licked her clean, watching her jump a little pushing his head away breathing heavily.

"Mhm," he groaned licking his lips before kissing her neck purposely leaving a hickey. "Your forgiven." He smirked standing up and grabbing his car keys.

Amour was tired after that, comeplely blown away by his sinful tongue. She underestimated his head, completely. He made her cry.

"Make sure when Odell kisses you again that he sees that okay?" Wardell chuckled grabbing his bookbag, pecking her lips one last time.

"Clean up and go upstairs and get some rest I'll pick you up in the morning for school." He whispered in her ear, smacking her thigh and she jumped up giving him the evil eye.

He was leaving her exhausted.

"I'll lock the door don't worry." He wiggled his key, her mom gave him before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Amour punched the couch sitting up and her legs felt like noodles.

"He didn't even fuck me and got my legs feeling like this," She pouted pulling her leggings back on. She saw that her underwear were gone. "Asshole."

She cleaned up the living room, and washed the 4 dishes she knew her mom would complain about if she saw them, on her way upstairs her phone buzzed and she saw a text from Odell.

Odaddy: When we gone get some alone time baby? 🤔

She smiled falling on her bed and was about to reply, but then she got a text from Wardell.

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