Bad Boy's. (Klay and Steph) 7

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All four adults sat inside the Hilton hotel in DC somewhat quiet.

Klay was the most quiet and Abigail noticed how tense he had gotten since landing. In a few minutes Gia's friend in the white house would be at the door to escort them safely and quietly to the meeting with the black group. Klay's biggest fear was soon about to come true.

"So whose this friend of yours?" Steph interrogated sitting on the bed next to Gia.

She finished tying up her all black roshies looking up to meet his eye's. "You'll see."

He smacked his teeth. "I just wanna know."

Gia laughed a bit. "Her names Amour Steph, so please put away Detective Curry."

He nodded but a knock at the door made everyone jump up. They had to be cautious because anybody could be at the door.

"I'll get it." Klay mumbled walking over to the door and looking through the peep hole. He made a face looking back at the girl's.

"There's a black guy with blond hair outside."

Abigail and Gia looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Khalil?" Gia mumbled and ran next to Klay looking out the peep hole. Right there stood the man that helped both woman out tremendously while they were in division.

"Oh my god-" Gia smiled opening the door and Khalil smirked at his favorite trainee

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"Oh my god-" Gia smiled opening the door and Khalil smirked at his favorite trainee. "What on earth are you doing here Khalil?"

Khalil looked around before stepping into the room. "I was given orders to help escort 4 important people to a meeting."

Gia hugged his side before raising her eyebrow confused. "Wait you know Amour?"

The mans eye's lit up as he stroked his goatee. "Yeah... I'm definitely no stranger to that woman."

Abigail put two and two together gasping. "No way."

Khalil shrugged smirking harder. "What can I say, that's my girl."

Gia punched Khalil's arm. "So all this time you've been against Simon?"

Khalil hissed hold his arm. "I couldn't say anything. I was told not too. My bad Gia but you should thank me, I'm the reason Simon still hasn't been able to touch you guys."

Abigail made a face. "How?"

He looked at the two detectives with a sly smile before meeting eyes with Abigail. "I'm in charge of finding you guys. Pin pointing locations all of that."

Gia snorted. "Simons dumb."

Khalil smirked. "I wouldn't say that. I'm just the last person he would think that'll turn on him."

Steph let his curiosity get the best of him walking next to Gia. "So your working with the government and secretly helping Simon run division?"

Khalil shook his head at the confused man. "Help him run division into the ground you mean. Then yes, yes I am."

Steph was about to open his mouth again but Khalil put his finger up shaking his head. "I'd appreciate it if you'd ask me less questions because we have somewhere to be."

Gia looked up at Steph who held a little grown man pout upon his face. It made her wanna smile but of course she didn't. Clearly the stubborn detective didn't like being shushed.

"Hey stop looking like that, you and I both know your way to grown for that." Gia teased brushing her shoulder against his walking out the door behind Khalil.

Steph was the last one to walk out the room and he still couldn't believe what he got himself into.

"So much for thinking about ordering room service."

The five adults walked into an abandoned building. At least that's what it looked like on the outside because the inside was decorated to perfection. Security guards of high levels stood around the room everywhere and right in the dab middle of the main room stood an elevator.

"Well this is knew." Abigail mumbled taking Klay's hand. He looked around before giving her his full attention.

"All of this is knew."

She sent him a look and they proceeded behind Steph and Gia who were ignoring each other.

Khalil waved to some guards pressing the elevator button. Within seconds it opened and he walked inside holding the door for everyone.

Abigail still trailing right alongside Klay noticed the elevator only went down. It reminded her of division and that let alone sent chills down her spine. The worst memory she ever had was being handcuffed and sent down a elevator just like this.

The one that ended her life, turned her into the monster she was today. At least that's how she thought of herself.

Klay sent a supportive squeeze to her hand and she allowed him to kiss her forehead.

"Stop tensing up, you'll never have to go through that again."

As the elevator closed and went down Steph found himself growing nervous. He had no idea how he winded up in this position but whatever possessed him to come surely made him slightly scared.

His life could be just as over.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors slowly opened to a dark underground room.

"Alright follow me." Khalil smiled at the dynamic four walking into the room were the lights suddenly cut on.

Right in the middle of the room sat all the big faces that ran all the undercover black ops projects in America and around the room.

"I see Khalil escorted you guys here safely." Amour smiled as she greeted the detectives with a handshake and her two friends with a hug.

"Amour I've missed you so much." Gia whispered as she hugged her friend tightly. Amour rubbed her back pinching her cheek as she pulled away.

"Gia I'm so happy to see you, you don't understand."

They laughed at each other and Amour stepped away putting her hand on Khalil's shoulder.

"Thank you Khalil you can get back to Simon now, I'm sure he's losing his mind without you."

Khalil stared down at his powerful fiance nodding his head. "Yes ma'am I'll see you later." He sent her a smirk earning a small chuckle from her, turning his attention back Gia and Abigail.

"Good luck and I'll also see you guys when we figure out whats the next move."

Gia and Abigail waved goodbye to him and Khalil pulled out his phone leaving.

Steph looked at Klay weirdly and he thought his eye's were betraying him but Klay tried to avoid eye contact releasing Abigail's hand. She looked up at him wondering why he suddenly left her side and Klay looked at the man sitting in the head chair. The man just glared at Klay and he kept his head high, knowing he couldn't keep running from the truth.

The man that was in charge of the undercover black ops government was his father.

Michael Thompson.


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