Love • Steph Curry (G)

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So many things I've got to tell you
But I'm afraid I don't know how
'Cause there's a possibility
That you'll look at me differently


Wardell sat on the steps of his home patiently waiting on his best friend to walk through the front door. It had been 4 years since they last saw each other and the young man couldn't wait to get her back into his arms.

"Come on.." He mumbled under his breathe, before checking the watch on his wrist. Something he had did more then 20 times throughout the night.

He was losing his mind. His emotions were running everywhere and he knew he'd probably cry once he laid eyes on her. 4 years felt like 20 and he wanted his first love all to himself. He was gonna be extremely selfish once she was back in his sight. No one would be able to touch her. Not really. But he would do just about anything to make sure she wasn't leaving again.

The Army.

Something that has tore them apart, and could have took away the most important thing to Wardell.


His hands shook nervously as he played around with the Navy blue Tiffany box he had been holding for almost 2 years. Uncertainty filled his thoughts making him wonder if things were still the same.

The night she left him, they didn't end on good terms because Wardell didn't agree with her decision to join the army. He just didn't want to lose her. She was his everything.

All he could hope for was that she felt the same. That she too was losing her mind, impatiently waiting to run into his arms and hold onto him for days.

Lucky for him, he wasn't alone.

Amour sat in the back of the uber staring at her hands that laid in her lap. For the first time since she left, she was wearing normal clothes and had got her nails done. It made her happy knowing she made it out alive, but the memories would always hold onto her. She had witnessed some of the saddest things any human being could ever see.

"Are you okay ma'am?" The uber driver asked making her look up. He was staring at her through the rearview mirror and she sent him a smile nodding.

"I'll be okay, just a little nervous to see someone. It's been 4 years."

He eyed the medal around her neck smiling back. "Ahh yes you served our country. Thank you for your sacrifices and service."

She looked back down at her hands still smiling. "Thank you.."

"Also whoever the lucky guy is, don't be nervous. I'm sure he's in the same position you are in."

Amour blushed nodding her head. "I hope. I didn't leave him to happy with me, even though we did write letters to each other. It's not the same as being face to face with him though."

The uber man nodded making a turn. "He loves you though right?"


He looked back up in the rearview mirror. "And you love him?"

Amour sighed. "I'll always love him. Steph is a great man, he's my best friend, my first love, my everything. I can't imagine life without him."

The man smiled widely. "Make sure you tell him that and I'm positive he's gonna tell you somethings too. There's nothing wrong with being in love. And sweetheart your in love."

She giggled under her breathe. "I am."

The car came to a halt and he put it in park, turning around to look at her. "Good now go get your man."

Amour looked out the window, letting her surroundings familiarize her. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest.

"Thank you." She whispered and he sent her a wink.

"Good luck."

Grabbing ahold of her bag Amour stared at Wardell's home wondering if things were still gonna be the same.

She let out some air before walking up the few steps and pulling out her key. She had kept it on a chain that always rested around her neck. It was a reminder that she had a home to get back too.

Her hands felt sweaty as she unlocked the door and pushed it open. She didn't see Wardell sitting on the stairs while shutting the door.


She jumped looking behind her and Wardell stood up with his eyes tearing up.

"Wardell." Amour whispered covering her mouth, he looked so different.

No more words were said as he wrapped his arms around her holding her as close to him as possible.

He had her back into his arms and he knew he was never letting her go.

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