Back 2 Sleep • Steph Curry (R)

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Amour had woke back up around 1 in the morning because of her parents arguing left and right. She was highly irritated and honestly wished everyday that they would just divorce.

Ever since she was a kid her parents argued, fought, and forgot about her. It was always about them and how they felt.

It never occurred to them that the life they were living was unhealthy. It pushed their own daughter away, making her resent them.

The stood from her bed letting the Dwayne Wade jersey she had on fall back to her mid-thigh. She slipped on her Nike sandals, picking up her phone to call the one person who always had open arms. In three rings he answered, putting a smile on her face.

"It's open A." He whispered, half sleep.

Amour looked out her window to his window. He had already prepared for her to sneak over tonight.

"Okay." She whispered back before hanging up and running to make sure her bedroom door was locked. Once she was in the clear she opened her window and hopped out, feeling the grass tickle her feet.

She let out some air closing her window and walking to his window. She reached to open to it but he had beat her to it, opening it and helping her inside. Basically picking her up.

Once she was safely in his room and away from her life, Amour met his eyes before closing the window behind her.

"Thank you Wardell."

Standing only in a pair of shorts, Wardell sent her a small smile kissing her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes falling victim to his embrace without him knowing.

One thing she loved about him the most was his hugs.

"You know I always got your back." He mumbled, so he wasn't too loud.

She nodded pulling away and trying to keep her attention on his face. Wardell was dangerously attractive, unknowingly leaving the young teenage girl a mess.

"You can go back to sleep, I know where everything is." She sighed, slightly smiling and running her hand through her hair.

Usually that is what he would do, but tonight no matter how tired he was- he wanted to make sure she was sleep first. He's come to realize she doesn't sleep when she does sneak over, she just listens to music and lay on the floor until she leaves.

"Nah I'm straight- and your not laying on the floor tonight." He chuckled grabbing her hand and pulling her towards his bed. "Lay down."

Amour was about to object but the look he had gave her, shut her up instantly.

"Okay?" He questioned a final time and she nodded not wanting to argue with him. He intimidated her.

But not in the way that you would think. She found his controlling side sexy, he was confident and had no problem in getting what he wanted.

Something she admired about him.

"Good. Now lay down and close your eyes because you need some rest Amour, forget what your parents are doing. I'm worried about you. Not them."

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