Lemme Hit That • Steph Curry (R) 1

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You're looking so good right now
And I would if I could, pull you right now
But I know that you're the type to make em crazy
Cause you've got all my homies trippin' on you lately
Think you put something in the air
Your body's so amazing, and one could even say it's blazing
You're wrapped tight, oh, you've got it going on
Cause you keep your hair nice
Oh, and I ain't even trippin', cause my homies hit first
Cause baby when I hold you, I know we can make it worth
So let me get your contact and the place I can meet you at
Baby, let me hit that

Amour sat in her office inside of oracle arena, preparing some notes from the game that occurred yesterday night. She was the teams assistant coach, behind Steve Kerr becoming the second woman to ever coach in the NBA. Her face set in history, changing the game for women. Day by day.

"Knock knock." Her boyfriend chuckled making the woman look up smiling at her handsome basketball player.

"Oh Andre. Will you ever really knock?" She giggled standing up to embrace him, and the man relaxed kissing his woman's temple.

"My love, I'm so sad your leaving." Andre pouted making Amour playfully roll her eyes.

"Well I'm going to help your team win, while you stay here and rest that ankle. I'm upset your not using your crutches right now."

Andre playfully rolled his eyes, this time pinching her sides. "Oh hush woman, I'm sprained not broken."

"Alright mr clutch man," Amour teased laughing a bit. "You should head out, we're about to head to the airport soon."

Andre sighed nodding his head, leaning down attaching his lips to her plump ones. The adorable couple held each other, just kissing for a good 6 minutes before someone cleared their throat.

Amour pulled away from Andre blushing, looking behind him to see Stephen leaned against her office doorway smirking at her but replacing it with a smile once Andre turned around.

"Sorry to interrupt, Steve just wanted me to tell Amour the bus is ready to leave." Steph explained clearing his throat, and Andre nodded looking back down at Amour stealing one last kiss.

"Bye mi Amour, FaceTime me when you get to the hotel in Miami."

Amour let out some air smiling. "Of course Andre. I love you."

He chuckled hugging her really tightly before pulling away. "Love you too," He smiled walking over to Steph dapping and hugging him. "Bye bro keep a eye on my woman for me, you know how women get in Miami."

Amour crossed her arms gasping and Steph had to hold in his smirk giving Andre a slick look.

"I don't do anything but work and maybe drink!"

"Of course I'll keep an eye on her bro, and trust me I know. Ayesha is the same way, it's like Miami is a place for woman to express themselves with tiny bikinis and martinis." Steph agreed making Andre look at Amour.

"You better not."

Amour just rolled her eyes, making sure her office was neat and the computer was shut off. Andre turned back to Steph laughing.

"You see what I mean? Attitude."

Steph looked at Amour slowly licking his lips once Andre turned his attention to his phone.

"Yeah she's something else isn't she?"

Amour looked up from what she was doing flipping Steph off, and he smirked. The pair really didn't like each other, at least that's what Amour thinks. Ask her anything and she would go on and on about how much she couldn't stand the 6'3 point guard.

"Well as much as I'd love to keep you guys. I know I can't, so travel safe and make sure you come back with the dub. You already know D Wade was talking stuff in the group chat."

Steph laughed. "I'll remember that when he's guarding me. I'll make sure to pull up on him. Ya know, splash."

Andre smirked saluting Steph. "Amen. Bye baby!" He yelled before walking out of her office and Amour waved goodbye.

"Bye love."

Once Andre was out of view, hearing, and eyesight, Steph took his opportunity to step up to the difficult woman. Slowly making his way to her he caught her off guard by pressing his chest to her backside.

"Woah." Amour squealed jumping forward, making him smirk even harder.

"My bad."

Amour shook her head. "Yes it is your bad. Maybe you should learn the definition of personal space, especially since your a married man."

Steph crossed his arms leaning against the wall right by her desk. "I always seem to forget a lot of things when I'm alone with you." He mumbled eying her breast.

Amour looked down seeing her top unbuttoned, silently cursing under her breath fixing it.

"Damn Dre."

Steph laughed watching her rush to re button it. Amour sending him a evil look.

"I don't like you Curry, so I advise you leave me alone. You always tryna start some shit and I don't get down like that. I'm sure your wife wouldn't wanna know what her so called perfect husband was really up too."

Her simple threat made Steph roll his eyes.

"You finished?"

That made Amours nose flare.
"You gone make me slap the shit out of you Steph."

Stepping up to her and getting in her face, Steph smirked down at her.

"Slap me, I might like it."

Trying to keep her guard high, Amour didn't back down pressing her acrylic nail into his chest. "I'd be careful about what I ask for, especially if I were you."

Catching the woman off guard Steph pushed her body against the desk, turning her around so her back was pressed against his chest wrapping his hand in her hair. Gasping at her current position, Amour hissed as he yanked her head back, brushing his lips against her ear.

"You don't understand how badly I wanna bend you over this desk and fuck you until you pass out. Amour you don't know me like you think you do, I can be your biggest fan. Or your worst enemy. I see the way that you look at me when I'm practicing, I see how you frown every time Ayesha comes around, you and this pretending not to want me shit was fun at first, but now it's starting to piss me off. And trust me when I say if you hate me now, you'll despise the man I am when I'm pissed off." Steph growled in her ear letting her hair go, and smacking her ass. The strong slap made Amour yelp, falling onto her desk.

Just like switching masks, Steph's personality changed and he replaced his mug with a smile.

"We gotta get going sweet heart, wouldn't want to miss the flight now would ya?"

With wide eyes, and her body shivering. Amour realized one thing, she was dealing with a crazy man.

Part 1. ❤️ Lord ...

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