Bad Boy's. (Klay and Steph) 4

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Klay layed in his bed watching tv while Abigail sat on the floor counting her money. He was looking at her every 5 minutes knowing how he could go to jail for being an accomplice. He didn't really care anymore though, he knew she wouldn't be this way if the government didn't create her to be it. Yes she just robbed a bank but when your own country betrays you, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

"Baby are you almost finished?" The man groaned catching the green-eyed woman's attention.

She giggled putting down the stack of twenties she had in her hand getting off the floor. "Detective Thompson are you rushing me?" She teased playing with her lover's shirt that barely covered her body.

He bit his bottom lip using his fingers to direct her towards him. "Come here."

Abigail simply pouted crawling on the bed and straddling his lap. She wrapped her arm's around his neck planting a kiss in the center of his forehead.

"Head shot and your dead." She whispered causing a shiver run down his spine.

"That's what you did?" He questioned rubbing her thighs and she frowned batting her long lashes.

"I was the best shooter division ever saw. I never missed and my bullets always ended up right between the eye's. I'm not as proud as you think, I was definitely the kill and talk later one out of Gia and I. She wanted information and I would say fuck it and just shoot them. That's what I was trained to be, I was a level one killer, the one who didn't feel any pain. That's why I was Simon's right hand, anything he didn't trust his other agents to do he told me to do. He only had 5 go to agent's and I was the only female. Everyone hated me especially Victoria."

Klay watched as Abigail let her hair fall from her pony tail. "I remember back in London when I first layed eye's on you." He started causing the woman's heart jump.

"Aha yes you actually thought I was gonna let you finally take me down." Abigail giggled throwing her head back letting the memory flood her mind.

Klay chuckled. "Yeah you kicked my ass, I'm still surprised I'm alive."

She hummed twirling her hair between her finger. "You were hot and trust me I almost killed you but then I looked you in your eye's and I couldn't do it. I was tired of hurting people."

"I was saved by you finally feeling bad." He mumbled and Abigail frowned pecking his lips.

"I'm sorry that you fell in love with someone like me."

He shrugged. "I don't regret anything my love. When you straddled me in that hotel with the knife in your hand it weirdly turned me on. That's why I did the unthinkable and kissed you, which weirdly broke your concentration letting me flip us over and handcuff you."

Abigail bit her bottom lip. "Baby don't think you did that easily. You still had the most scars in that room. I actually enjoyed being handcuffed, it gave my hands a break."

He played with the first two buttons smirking. "I just can't believe we actually had sex. It's still something that replays in my head daily, because like I never thought that instead of just catching you and sending you to jail, I was on top of you fucking you until you couldn't think straight and fight me anymore."

Abigail moaned from his sharp word's biting her fingernail. "Detective Thompson tell me more... What else did you do to me?"

Klay unbuttoned his shirt that covered her body slowly wrapping his hand around her throat. "I can just take you back." He growled catching the woman off guard and flipping them over so he was on top.

Abigail gasped hearing the familiar clicking noise and tugging at her hands but they were cuffed to the headboard. "No you didn't."

The man laughed on his knees throwing his shirt across the room. "Princess I thought you had better instincts then that."

She smiled softly letting her eye's roam his body. "I guess your just my weakness."

He stared down at her thinking of all that he was hiding from the world, from his family, from his best friend.

All for her.

"I'm never gonna let anything happen to you." He groaned running his hand down her beautiful bare chest watching her arch her back moaning from his touch.

It's a paradise and it's a war zone.

"Oh my god Klay!" She gasped feeling his cold fingers rub against her heat. He watched her squirm all over seeing her breathing shift uncontrollably. He just licked his lips planting kisses along her jaw to her neck.

"Tell me you love me." He whispered in her ear sliding not one, not two, but three fingers inside of her. Her body jerked a bit and she yanked on the handcuffs wishing she could claw away at his back.

"B-baby pl-please god your gonna make me cum too fast." She whined making him chuckle curling his fingers in a come here motion causing her to cry out. He knew where her g spot was purposely making sure to hit it every time.

"Abigail darling I'm not gonna tell you again. Tell me you love me." Klay warned softly pecking her lips while he watched her suffer. Her hips buckled forward and sweat rolled down her face as her orgasm began to build up.

"I love you so much! I swear I do baby!" She cried. "Please take off these hands cuffs I need to feel you!"

He almost broke at the sight groaning a bit. "Sorry I can't do that Abigail." His word's caused tears to flow down the deadly assassin's face as her body began to shake uncontrollably.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Klay I'm gonna-" Abigail screamed at the top of her lungs as her back arched all the way off the bed and her toes curled. Her orgasm hit her like a train and Klay watched satisfied as she coated his fingers in her juices.

"You can be a good girl when you want to huh?" He whispered pulling his fingers out slowly rubbing her clit and she jumped a little from the sensitivity.

"Shit." She panted still clutching onto the handcuffs, feeling a little dizzy. Only Klay could make her body do such mind blowing thing's.

He pulled his hand out of her underwear licking his fingers clean. "Mhmm so sweet."

Abigail watched him with low eye's still shaking. "I guess you can be bad when you want to."

He laughed taking off her handcuffs shrugging. "Hey your rubbing off on me a little.."

Abigail rubbed her wrists blowing her hair out of her sweaty face. "That's what I'm afraid of."

Back at Stephen's house Gia and him we're talking more about what needed to happen in order for her to actually get back inside of division and take it down.

"It's a suicide mission." He whispered leaning on his legs and Gia sighed shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't think I have much of a choice Steph."

The man contemplated on his thoughts. "I think we should call my partner Klay. He could really help us because his father is a very important man in the government."

Gia frowned not having anything to object too. "Do you think you can trust him?"

Steph scoffed. "Of course I mean him and I don't keep any secrets from each other. I can't help you without him Gia. He might kill me at first for trusting you but he'll listen. I promise."

Gia let her head fall covering it with her hands. "Fine call him."

What she needed to do seemed more and more impossible. She couldn't give up though, she couldn't. This was her last chance to do something right.

Part 4.

I swear I listened to pillowtalk writing this lmaoo.


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