We Thought Wrong

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Tommy and Darcy were forced by the record label to break up. They took things better than I thought they would. I mean they were still laughing and they still became best friends, they still shot pool together, and they still drank insane amounts of Jack Daniels together. It was like the only thing that changed is they wouldn't be all couple-like. We thought they were taking everything really well.

We all thought.

About two weeks after they were forced to break up, they decided they could go to bar together by themselves. None of us thought anything of it. Well that was last night.

I'm making coffee in the kitchen, Jadie and Darcy are both still dead asleep. It was quiet in our house for once because usually if Darcy and Jade are awake there's stereos on, the tv is on, they're screaming at each other from different rooms, and they're having the best time.

The front door opens and I walk to the head of the stairs so I can see who walked in. Mick is walking up the stairs, he smiles and waves at me.

"Hey Mick." I say. "Want coffee? Just made some."

"You know, I'm more of a Jack or Budweiser in the morning kinda guy." He says with a laugh.

"Darcy is the same way." I laugh. "I think she's a boarder line alcoholic."

"Well it goes with the rock star scene." Mick says as we get to the kitchen. "So I have a stupid question."

"I live with Darcy and Jade, you have no idea what the two of them can come up with." I say and he smiles.

"Sounds like Nikki, Tommy, and Vince." He admits. "Speaking of those jackasses, is Tommy here?"

"Pardon me?" I ask and he sighs.

"He was supposed to meet us at the studio and he didn't show up. Nikki went to his house and he wasn't there. Vince said something about Tommy went to the bar with Darcy last night." Mick explains.

"Oh shit." I mutter. "You're not thinking what I'm think are you?"

"Sadly." He sighs. "You wanna go check?"

"Yeah, I'll go check." I say and push myself up from the table.

I walk up the stairs to the bedrooms. I walk up to Darcy's door and hesitate, I know exactly what I'm going to going to see. I don't want to have to do this to Darcy, I know she's crazy about Tommy and this is going to kill her. I open the door and sigh. Darcy is asleep on Tommy's bare chest. They clearly got really drunk last night and hooked up. I gently close the door and walk back downstairs.

"Well we were right." I sigh as I sit back down at the table across from Mick. "This is killing them."

"No this is." He says. "We need to keep them apart for a while, at least until they're able to move on."

"Oh Christ." I mutter and rub my eyes. "I know you're right but I think it's going to break Darcy. She's never felt that way about anyone."

"Same with Tommy but if we don't keep them apart then we'll all get fired." Mick says and I nod.

"We have to do it." I agree.

We waited around until Tommy and Darcy wake up and Mick and Tommy head off to the studio. My heart nearly drops when Tommy tells Darcy that he'll see her later on. I have to tell Darcy that she can't see the guy she's in love with for a while.

"Darc."I say as she opens the fridge.

"Rosie." She mocks.

"Look, you can't hook up with Tommy again." I say and she narrows her eyes. "You can't be just friends with someone you're in love with, Darcy. You guys need time and you need to move on, until you can do that I don't think you and Tommy should see each other for a while."

Darcy doesn't talk for a while and she picks at the label of her unopened beer bottle. She sighs and puts the bottle back in the fridge.

"I'm, uh, I'm going to shower." She mumbles and quickly leaves the kitchen.

I sigh and sit back down at the table. God, I hope this was the right thing to do.

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