Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
I've been tagged back by HumbleTomato for questions. I'm running out of ideas and tags.
Rules: 1. You must post all the rules 2. You must tag 13 people 3. Each person must tag 13 questions 4. Answer the questions assigned to you. Mark your own for other people. 5. You can't say you don't do tags, but you don't have to, if that's ok. 6. Tag-backs are allowed. 7. You must finish within a week. 8. Be creative with the title.
Let's start shall we.
1. Last song you listened to? A: Hishoku no Sora by Mami Kawada (I like her voice it's too bad she's retiring this year.) also the first opening from the anime Shakugan no Shana.
2. Lock screen picture? A: The pun dog. It's basically this picture of a dog people put next to puns on tumblr.
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This is what it looks like.
3. Least favorite subject? A: Does gym count? If not then Calculus.
4. Do you like to write essays and stories in school? A: Depends on the subject and topic question, but most of the time not really. (I like Creative Writing better.)
5. Do you do any activities in school? A: Tons, like Environmental club, Smash club (yes my school has a Smash club where they play Smash), Anime club, community service are some examples.
6. Any siblings? A: Two and they are both younger.
7. When listening to music do you like slow and sweet or upbeat and danceable? A: It all depends on my mood, I usually go for upbeat. And while writing I listen to something sweet for something like romance for effect.
8. Favorite Video Game series? A: Too many, I can't decide between Fire Emblem and Dragon Age.
9. Least favorite singer/band. A: I'm not too fond of like Justin Bieber or One Direction (sorry fans >.<)
10. Are you sadistic? A: No not in the slightest.
11. Optimistic or Pessimistic? A: It's both with me. Like I'm optimistic with and for other people but with myself I'm pessimistic. I don't know it's weird.
12. Candy or Chocolate? A: Definitely both (sweets freak right here)
13. Would you like to learn a different language? Which? A: I'm learning French already, but for a new language I'd say Japanese (no not just for the anime) or Russian.
Questions courtesy of me: 1. Have you ever played an instrument? 2. Have you ever played a prank on someone? 3. How would you react if your favorite character turned Yandere? 4. Do you like puns? 5. Have you visited another continent? 6. Do you prefer peaceful countryside or lively city? 7. Have you ever broken a bone? 8. Do/Did you play a sport? 9. Any exciting experiences? 10. What's your favorite planet? 11. Are you into the arts? (art, music, theater) 12. Ever watched Avatar the Last Airbender? What kind of bender would you be? 13. Have you ever lied?
I don't know who to tag. I might update this later for tags.