Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.
Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover
I'm assuming it's answer the questions in the tag and don't come up with your own, I don't even know anymore. Let's go.
1. Batman or Superman? A: Is this even a question? I'm taking the bat themed hero for sure. I have yet to see Batman vs. Superman but am kind of nervous cause of what my friends saying it wasn't that good.
2. What kind of pets do you have or want? A: All I have are guppies that breed endlessly. I'm not kidding I started out with at least 5 last year and now I have 50. As for what I want a Japanese Spitz dog, I mean just look at this puppy.
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3. When was the last time you lied? A: I don't remember a long time ago?
4. Strangest thing ever consumed? A: I haven't consumed any strange things ever...
5. Least favorite word? A: It's not my least favorite word technically it's more of how the word is used that I don't like, but when someone uses gay as a derogatory term it pisses me off.
6. If you could witness any event in the past, present, or future what would it be? A: If I actually manage to get a job in the future, in the field I'm interested in.
7. Favorite I-only-listen-to-this-in-the-car-when-I'm-very-much-alone-song? A: Uh something like a metal song...yeah I listen to metal from time to time. Or one of my favorite anime songs.
8. What are the saddest most beautiful lyrics you have ever heard? A: Uh, I don't know maybe Just be Friends by Luka or Dear You (there's like several versions my favorite are the original and cry version) from the Higurashi anime if you find English translations.
Just be Friends
Dear you
9. Do you believe in Bigfoot? A: Should I? I like reading of these myths but I don't actually believe in it.
10. If you had to get your name changed what would it be? A: Hmm...I always liked the names Nisha or maybe Maya I don't know.