Just some thoughts

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Ok I'm probably annoying people with the anime recommendations but still people who are anime fans need to see this.

I recently saw Baccano: This is like set in 1920s-1930s Brooklyn and it's so good. Plus the opening is so jazzy (anyone a jazz fan?) it's so cool ^-^! Add Firo (blonde guy with green suit and fedora.) To the bae list, plus he's voiced by Todd Haberkorn in the English dub (which is better than sub because there's actual accents that make sense.)

It's here: Name is Guns and Roses

I'm gonna shut up about Erased because I'm bothering people about it now I bet.

Now compare Baccano's opening to Cowboy Bebops opening, doesn't the Jazz beat sound so cool?

Yeah I'm just being random cause I listened to these two songs while doing homework. Laterz!

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